The data that uses brick of the heat preservation that make has a lot of, covered the material of heavy qualitative firebrick almost, what introduce here is the heat preservation product with industrial high temperature, the concrete air entrainment that is not family expenses piece. With what material is heat preservation brick made? The material of heat preservation brick has: Stone of line of aluminous alumina, Molaishi, alumina, silicon, andalusite, silicon is qualitative wait for material. The production methods of heat preservation brick has 3 kinds of methods that make brick of light qualitative heat preservation: One of, join light qualitative aggregate, firebrick factory says: With light aggregate of matrix wrap up, union of cement of have the aid of, chemistry is united in wedlock or produce union of pottery and porcelain to make porous material through agglomeration again; Secondly, join combustible, below high temperature combustible burn oneself out hind, in former leave air hole, form porous material; Thirdly, body of production bubble oar, with cement general its solidify, make poriferous through agglomeration material. One, use alumina brick of heat insolation of the hollow ball heat preservation that make uses alumina pink of corundum of frit of hollow ball, report, α - stone of line of Al2O3 small pink, SiO2 small pink, silicon and argillaceous pink are had for raw material preparation fight flake the alumina of function is hollow ball brick. Alumina is hollow the ball is light aggregate, assure since high temperature resistant function and the effect that reduce density; Corundum pink is inert filling; Silicon line stone is expander, reduce since firing systole and the function that improve heatproof shake sex; Alumina small pink, oxidation silicon small pink and argillaceous pink are bond, firing temperature is dropped since, form Molaishi to be united in wedlock those who raise brick of heat preservation heat insolation is photograph, high temperature resistant with action of heatproof shake function. The burden plan that presses set undertakes the brick expects making up making, via mixing practice, shape, after natural and dry 24h, mix via 110 ℃ dry 24h again of 1600 ℃ *4h firing make heat preservation is adiabatic brick. Quantity of mix into of silicon line stone is 12% when, the function that controls a brick of heat preservation heat insolation is: *2h of 1710 ℃ , 1600 ℃ burns temperature of bate of 26MPa of intensity of bulk density 1.48g/cm3, compression, loading again the line changes + 0.3% , heatproof shake sex (1100 ℃ - water-cooling) 17. What make brick of heat preservation heat insolation have the characteristic of light qualitative, excel in, high temperature resistant, heatproof shake. 2, use light aggregate and combustible to make brick of heat preservation heat insolation use polystyrene bubble ball, expand collosol of fiber of pearlite pink, Mo Laishi, clay, silicon serves as raw material, the brick of heat insolation of light qualitative heat preservation that goes out through extrusion preparation. Use deserve to compare for: Combine clay 15% ? 30% , Mo Laishi fiber 3% ? 10% , expand pearlite 15% ? 28% , ball of bubble of polystyrene waste material 1.5% ? 3.5% , silicon collosol 15% ? 25% . The process that make is: Stick union on, expand ball of bubble of waste material of pearlite pink, polystyrene mixes even. In the meantime, with beater with certain rotate speed Molaishi fiber is sufficient all ground is dispersive in bond, add water to blend oar body. Next, pink makings and oar body mix agitate, till mixture is dispersed,become all the dope of . After dormant and proper time, extrusion. Normal temperature is dry day or two 70 ℃ dry number after the hour, via finished product getting after agglomeration. 3, use traditional bubble legal system to make brick of heat insolation of calcic feldspathic heat preservation make main raw material with cyanite, made bond develop calcic feldspar to combine Molaishi with white cement light qualitative adiabatic firebrick. Calcic feldspar combines Mo Laishi heat-insulating material is serve as with Molaishi advocate brilliant photograph, calcic feldspar regards union as the composite material of the photograph. The melting point of calcic feldspar has 1550 ℃ only, but have hot coefficient of expansion small, thermal conductance is low characteristic. Accordingly, calcic feldspar and Molaishi are compound the adiabatic and fireproof material that makes, can have the good point with calcic feldspathic low thermal conductance already, have Mo Laishi goods to use the characteristic with high temperature again, still have inferior firing temperature, higher intensity and better thermal shock stability at the same time. Calcic feldspar combines Mo Laishi heat-insulating material to use bubble law to shape. First, the vesicant that make, synthesize colophony black with colophony and hydrogenous oxidation natrium, add bone glue, make stable foam. Next, add water to make cyanite, white cement noodles or vermicelli made from bean or sweet potato starch makings starch. Then, after joining bubble agitate pouring shape. Next, conserve, drying, firing, make base substrate. Hind, classics cut, essence is ground, after examining, make finished product. Bubble law shapes in the process, foaming agent is main factor. Fireproof material occurrence craze, fall off, easy how to wear away to do? Want to solve a problem thoroughly, need to be dug from germ, the analysis gives real reason, flourish Cheng Naicai is engaged in be able to bear or endure service of timber production, research and development is old, provide custom-built production and construction service, can solve all sorts of difficulty problems of liner of furnace of high temperature kiln, welcome broad new old friend to seek advice reach technical communication.