The property of the material in heat preservation brick

March 15, 2024Nov 25, 2024

Heat preservation brickThe heat of medium chromite expands to be in 850 degrees about: Above increases significantly, produce systole again to high temperature, present quick systole from 1500 ° C about. Because chromite is OK,solid fuse-element absorbs MgO, the result is met bend | Crystal lattice expands since, that is to say, when MgO is added to heat in chromite, what can eliminate it is firing and contractive, because this uses chromite raw material to be able to be made directlyHeat preservation brick. 1879, ever used natural chromite piece build by laying bricks or stones builds open-hearth furnace bottom and sidewall, the quality of steel wins improvement. Cliff of Yu Chaoji sex mixes ferrochrome mineral products by super- base in the anguine grain cliff that sexual cliff changes, basically exceed with what surround it base at the same time crystallization gives sexual cliff. Chromite bed is magma phase normally form, submit irregular mew form, lenticular shape, columnar, be like the compact aggregation of nervation, companion is unripe mineral often be peridotite, serpentine, chromic chlorite and chromic stone pyrope, magnetite, corundum. Because chromite is chemical stable, reason also becomes efflorescent and leftover field, but this kind of circumstance is very few.

Chromite is chromic pointed spar kind mineral all name, because belong to chromic pointed spar kind all and mineral in nature same condition falls appear, almost complete with exceed base sexual igneous rock, if pure peridotite and peridotite are concerned, their outside feature each other are very similar. Chromium is pointed the general and chemical type with spar mineral a group of things with common features can is (Mg. Fe)(Cr•A1•Fe2Q4) , change of content of the Cr2O3 in all sorts of general and common chromite is very big, can be 18% -- 62%;

Contain kind of qualitative mixture that be the same as an elephant sometimes, if TiO2(2% is the following) , mn(l% is the following) wait. Heat preservation brickIt is with chromite contain Cr2O331%-48% , the ore of SiO2 5%-9% . Chromite yields with compact lump, ore has brown streak for black, palm black. Contain chromium to show Gong Zong scene high, the heat that contains the chromite most with tall aluminium to show Ga graph chromite expands curve

Fei color, some chromite have faint magnetism.

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