Function of product of light qualitative brick reachs Mo Laishi use cast useless arenaceous preparation to introduce

March 15, 2024Nov 25, 2024

Merchandise on hand of flourish Cheng Naicai supplies light qualitative Molaishi bricky JM23, JM26, JM28, JM30.
Characteristic: 1. Low heat conduction is led, have effect of very good adiabatic heat preservation; 2. Low hot frit, because low heat conduction is led, mo Laishi series pledges gently the heat energy with adiabatic brick very few save up, energy-saving in intermittent operation effect is apparent; 3. Matter content is low have the oxide content such as alkali metal of low-down iron box, accordingly, fireproof degree tall; The higher volume that contain aluminium makes its still maintain good performance below reducing atmosphere; 4. Intensity of hot condition compression is high; 5. Exterior dimension essence is accurate, accelerate build by laying bricks or stones to build career, reduce fireproof mud to use an amount, assured the intensity of body of build by laying bricks or stones and stability, prolong the life of liner thereby; 6. Can process special form. Seam in order to reduce number of brick of build by laying bricks or stones and build by laying bricks or stones.
Mo Laishi pledges adiabatic brick is used at unit weight gently lesser, function cannot mix the physics that brought about it thereby to pledge data phase is rivalled again. But contented construction uses the intensity in order to with make sure in use process its have certain. And because light simple stuff has taller porosity, in firing the process has very big systole to be out of shape, as finalize the design goods, its dimension is controlled not easily. And in using a process, systole of easy below high temperature generation is out of shape, affect the integral performance characteristics of kiln furnace thereby.
Mo Laishi pledges gently bricky stoma, among them true porosity is to use those who measure goods true density and unit weight computation to get. Apparent pore rate is to use an Archimedes's principle to measure computation to must come. Shut porosity = true porosity - apparent pore rate. By can see in the watch, bubble legal system has Molaishi pledges gently heat-insulating material, as the accretion of unit weight, its are true porosity reduces: Apparent pore takes the lead in reducing keep basically changeless next. Because inferior goods is in unit weight,basically be the foamy in makings oar adds a capacity bigger, in bubble slop in pouring and dry process, disappear bubble phenomenon is more apparent, get and hole wall is thinner, produce damaged easily, form perforative air hole eventually. When increasing as unit weight, disappear bubble phenomenon is reduced, formation perforative air hole also decreases. And of goods shut porosity to increase to be shown first along with goods unit weight increase a current, when be being controlled to 1.0g/cm3 big, appear next slow downtrend, but shut porosity and unit weight low goods photograph is taller. The apparent pore rate of goods is older than predicting to slant, in pouring and dry process, because the eduction of moisture destroyed foamy structure, the conserve of goods and dry technology still need to optimize. Still be sample has bigger porosity likely, hole wall is thinner, in checking a process, hole wall damaged, brought about apparent pore rate to rise.
The micromechanism of integrated sample, heat function, mechanical function, can see, the heat of sample, mechanical function is mixed not just the porosity of sample is relevant, return and the stomatic dimension of sample and distributing relevant. Have taller porosity when sample, stomatic dimension Yue Xiaoyue is even, and shut air hole relatively a long time, the heat of sample, mechanical performance is more superior. Bubble law preparation pledges heat-insulating material can achieve this one requirement gently, but preparation craft still needs to get ameliorative optimizing further.
To discuss its relation rule further, use gray correlation to analyse the dependency between aperture structure and thermal conductance theoretically. Different aperture structure and sample are in same the correlation that measures the thermal conductance below stability is spent not identical, and the bulk that identical aperture structure and correlation of sample thermal conductance spend also is followed measure temperature to change and change. The aperture structure of each groups of sample is in with its 300, 600, correlation spends the gray that the heat conduction of 900 ℃ leads to all make clear, shut porosity and thermal conductance to big correlation is spent, open porosity and thermal conductance to be spent about couplet small. Consider to discover, as temperature elevatory, true porosity and thermal conductance correlation are spent dropped. The correlation of apparent pore rate and thermal conductance is spent small. The proper shuts porosity to be helpful for reducing sample heat conduction that raises sample is led.
As the addition of unit weight, the heavy change burning a line of sample is less and less. From unit weight is 0.5g/cm3 - 1.98% , when be 1.4g/cm3 to unit weight - 0.05% , sample is contractive and basic negligible not plan. When sample unit weight is more than 0.7g/cm3, the heavy change burning a line of sample does not exceed 1% . Because sample unit weight is lesser when, have very big porosity, can produce bigger systole, increase fixed rate as unit weight, the function of sample is stabilized basically, the heavy change that burn a line is very little.
As the addition of unit weight, of sample fight fold intensity to increase gradually, the compression intensity of sample also increases gradually. Its reason is the accretion as unit weight, the compact sex of material increases, porosity is reduced, its are mechanical function also rises subsequently.
The Molaishi of bubble law preparation pledges adiabatic brick has with bubble legal system Molaishi pledges gently gently adiabatic brick, bricky stoma is pliabler, distributing evener. When bricky unit weight is lesser, bore diameter is bigger, when unit weight is 0.5g/cm3, bore diameter is controlled in 0.3mm, distributing evener and hole wall is thinner. Achieve 0.8g/cm3~1.1g/cm3 when unit weight, bricky aperture has reduced 0.1mm left and right sides, distributing evener and hole wall compares teach. When unit weight continues to increase, bricky aperture has been under 0.1mm, when achieving 1.4g/cm3, hole wall is added thick, hole is less. Compare with bubble form appearance, bore diameter reduces 0.3mm by the 0.4mm with original bubble the following, because pledge the brick produces contractive hole decrescent gently in dry process,this is, and in firing contractive phenomenon also can produce in the process, more benefit the adiabatic heat preservation at material.
Use cast Mo Laishi of useless arenaceous preparation to pledge gently bricky introduction is current, abandon arenaceous resource to change recycle to basically have to casting regard concrete as polymer of material of concrete of preparation of thin volume makings, preparation base building of composite material, preparation uses material of agglomeration of excel in of material of pottery and porcelain of brick, preparation, preparation, preparation the way such as epispastic material. In recent years, expert scholar is begun in succession abandon in order to cast arenaceous for raw material preparation the new approach of fireproof material, it is below abandon in order to cast arenaceous for preparation of main raw material Molaishi pledges bricky raw material reachs test data gently. (1) should be cast useless arenaceous join a quantity to be 65%(w) , sawdust is adscititious when the quantity is 35%(w) , the Molaishi that makes pledges bricky bulk density is compression intensity to be 1.5MPa gently, is the thermal conductance of 300 ℃ 0.220W? (M? K)-1. (2) is useless arenaceous add a capacity (when W) is 50%~70% , the main thing appearance of sample all is what stone of Molaishi, zirconium and Fang Shiying; add a capacity as sawdust to increase, stay in the stomatic grow in quantity of sample interior after sawdust ablation, block up quantity of heat is conducted to goods interior, the agglomeration rate of sample becomes poor. Fireproof material occurrence craze, fall off, easy how to wear away to do? Want to solve a problem thoroughly, need to be dug from germ, the analysis gives real reason, flourish Cheng Naicai is engaged in be able to bear or endure service of timber production, research and development is old, can solve all sorts of difficulty problems of liner of furnace of high temperature kiln, welcome broad new old friend to seek advice reach technical communication.
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