The mineral composition firebrick of firebrick is mineral group adult. The property of firebrick is his composition is mineral the comprehensive report with micromechanism. The mineral composition of firebrick depends on its chemical composition and craft condition. Chemistry comprises identical firebrick, as a result of craft condition different, size of the sort that forms mineral photograph, amount, grain and the difference that join a case, make its function may have bigger difference. For example the silica brick with SiO2 identical content, two kinds when because SiO2 issues a likelihood to form structure and character in different technology condition,differ mineral - phosphorous quartz and Fang Shiying, make the certain property of firebrick can have difference. Although the mineral composition of firebrick is certain, but the grain size of the photograph that follow ore deposit, appearance and of distributinging circumstance different, also can have distinct effect to firebrick property (like melt firebrick) . firebrick is multinomial group adult commonly, among them mineral photograph can be divided it is two kinds, crystallize namely photograph and vitreous photograph. Advocate brilliant photograph is to point to the principal part that makes firebrick structure and the brilliant photograph with higher melting point. Advocate the property that the property of brilliant photograph, amount and meantime union position are deciding firebrick directly. Matrix is the exists in big crystal or aggregate clearance material in pointing to firebrick. Matrix is right the property of firebrick (if high temperature character is mixed,be able to bear or endure invade act the role of a gender) having conclusive effect. The firebrick when be being used often begins attaint from matrix part first, using the part that adjust and changes firebrick is the effective technology measure that improves firebrick performance. Great majority firebrick (outside dividing a few especially tall firebrick) , by its advocate the composition of brilliant photograph and matrix can divide it is two kinds: One kind is the much composition firebrick that contains brilliant photograph and vitreous photograph, wait like argillaceous brick, silica brick; The composition of another kind of firebrick contains brilliant photograph only, matrix is subtle knot crystal more, wait for alkalescent firebrick like firebrick of magnesian qualitative firebrick, chromic magnesium. These firebrick are when high temperature is firing, produce a certain quantity of fluid photograph, but fluid photograph does not form glass when refrigeration, form crystallization sex matrix however, will advocate brilliant photograph cementation is together, the composition of matrix crystal is different from advocate brilliant photograph. The microstructure structure of firebrick has two kinds of kinds. One kind is by silicate (silicate crystal mineral or vitreous body) the structural type that links grain of body of content glue crystallization, another kind is by crystal grain direct crisscross links crystallization network, for example high pure magnesian firebrick, the high temperature capability of this kind of firebrick that links structural type directly (high temperature is mechanical the intensity, sex that fight broken bits or thermal shock stability) relatively get before one kind primely much; Because this is had so capacious that develop prospect. The nicety of firebrick is changed with compact change one, the proportion that the accurate Hua Lianzhu of firebrick produces than taking crude steel is rising ceaselessly. Now, japanese Lian Zhu is compared already achieved above. Plant in steel advanced in the course that change, with all sorts of connecting casting is a center with firebrick, the product that has accurate function sex increased. Go out for development complex the processing technique with high accuracy appearance, want to assure the quality standard of overall product, all flawless technologies that check the functional sex firebrick such as the technology are used extensively. 2, of firebrick compact change be changed in nicety and change an aspect imperceptibly, of firebrick large change, chief measure is changed (length amounts to 700mm, 800mm even 1000mm) and even compact change, raised taller requirement to the goods of high strenth; In production technical respect enriched high pressure to shape, the equipment with firing high temperature and technology. Equiped to control bricky machine with the has pressure of ox of a few ten million oil pressure of vacuum device or attrition, have 1800 ℃ ~ the kiln of high temperature channel that 1850 ℃ high fever becomes temperature. But, compact the technology that change and other technology are different, it is in traditional technique outspread go up development rises. The hardness of firebrick, wearability one, the hardness of the hardness hardness material of firebrick is to show material is counteractive outside force score, press, abrade ability. It is to measure firebrick wearability and a when fight air current and dust to erode main index. Usually, the hardness of material is taller, its wearability and fight erode capability will be stronger. Measure with determine the hardness of material can use score, be pressed or abrade wait for a method. Alleged score is to use finger, knife, or mark mineraloid is on a kind of material nick, observe the condition of nick, judge its hardness. Be being pressed is to point to use spherule, small pointed drill the pressure that small perhaps cylinder centers in the inflict on material, observe the condition of impress, judge hardness. Abrade it is to show the attrition loss that passes data will judge its hardness. The hardness of token material has Mohs hardness commonly usedly (hardness of family name of HM) , cloth (HB) and diamond pyramid hardness 3 kinds. Mohs hardness is by Germany mineralogical home Mo Si (Fredevich Mchs) puts forward. With the opposite hardness that will represent material, it is a standard with the hardness of hard natural diamond, it is 10 class surely, the hardness of other data is in of 10 class of 1 ~ ask, ordinal and degressive, like carbonization boracic hardness is 9.3, the hardness of corundum is 9 etc. Hardness of cloth family name is to use certain load size certain (the ball of hard steel of temper by dipping in water that the diameter is 10 Mm) commonly presses material face, load goes after holding period of time, the ratio with bear and impress area (pressure of the susceptive on unit area) the hardness that represents material, namely hardness of cloth family name. Diamond pyramid hardness is the diamond square that brings to bear on to be 136 degrees at a vertex angle with the load of 120 Kg less than awl presses a person implement on, surface of the material that press a person obtains impress indentation, load and surface of the indentation that press a person accumulate than be diamond pyramid hardness namely. Determine each hardness has strict regulation and instrument, for example microscopical diamond pyramid hardness plan wait, when determining, answer to undertake by the standard. The hardness of firebrick depends on a lot of elements such as the density of strength of its crystal structure, chemical union, material and processing technology. Firebrick is a polyphase body, it is formed by aggregate and matrix, often contain different content photograph. Accordingly, with microscopical the hardness that sclerometer measures gotten hardness and cannot represent firebrick. Actually, determine the sense of firebrick hardness is not great. The wearability of firebrick may be more practical. 2, the wearability of the wearability wearability material of firebrick is to point to ability of material resistance tatty. Tribology will wear away the definition is: "When the object moves relatively, relative to the material of athletic appearance ceaseless loss or generation remains are out of shape call wear away. " with respect to firebrick character, common is to calcine stock or the air current that contain solid particle to material wear away. Former be like liner of upside of cement rotary kiln, blast furnace and Jiao Lu cooking room; Latter is like fluid-bed boiler wall, tornado segregator wall to wait. The wearability of firebrick is counteractive these stock tatty ability. Of wearability of firebrick of our country regulation determine the method uses American standard method (ASTM) . Its principle is: The sample vertical plane that will provide appearance and measure is arenaceous to gush canal, with compress air to will wear away medium is blown to sample through gush arenaceous canal, measure so that wear away the change of around quality. Press type calculates the wear extent of firebrick: The A in type of B of / of A=(M1-M2) / B=M -- the wear extent of firebrick, cm3. M1 -- examine the sample quality previously, g; M2 -- examine quality of the following sample, g; B -- the bulk density of sample, g / Cm3; M -- the loss quality of sample, g. The factor that affects firebrick wearability is very much, basically include following a few respects. 1, hardness. Think hardness is the main index that measures material wearability normally. Data is harder its wearability is better also, but wear away in concussion below very big case, hardness influence is not very certain big. Firebrick is mentioned to be in front blame all plastid, the hardness of departmental cent may be different. Contain corundum brick, carborundum brick to the bag, if combinative strength is enough, when hardness small easy wear away after material wears away, the material of these tall hardness still can resist to firebrick wear away. 2, the sex of each other dissolve of crystal structure and crystal. The stuff that has structure of some kind of specific crystal has better wearability, the cobaltic coefficient of friction that if have,discharges 6 structures closely is small, wear-resisting caustic. The wearability it may not be a bad idea between the metal with poor sex of dissolve of the each other on metallurgy. 3, intensity. The meeting in the use process of firebrick comes up against much impact to wear away, accordingly, the firebrick of high strenth fights tatty ability strong. 4, bulk density. Bulk density is big, the firebrick with low rate of L of the lonely that show spirit is fought wear away capability is high. 5, temperature. Temperature reachs reactivity to wait to sex of dissolve of the hardness of material, each other influential, affect the wearability of firebrick secondhand consequently. Normally, those who follow temperature is elevatory, hardness drops, sex of each other dissolve and reactivity rise, the wearability of material drops. Firebrick is used below high temperature, the wearability below high temperature is very important. Method determines by normal temperature in can putting sample furnace the wearability that firebrick issues in high temperature. 6, atmosphere. The effect with temperature is similar, atmosphere affects the sex of each other dissolve between material and reactivity, affect its wearability thereby. Tell strictly, the wearability of firebrick does not belong to physical property, and should put in a person 's charge in performance characteristics, but it and hardness have affinity. Fireproof material occurrence craze, fall off, easy how to wear away to do? Want to solve a problem thoroughly, need to be dug from germ, the analysis gives real reason, flourish Cheng Naicai is engaged in be able to bear or endure service of timber production, research and development is old, can solve all sorts of difficulty problems of liner of furnace of high temperature kiln, welcome broad new old friend to seek advice reach technical communication.