Furnace of kiln of TOP fireproof material applies technical channel begin lecturing, what share to everybody today is the knowledge about liner of refine copper reverberator.
1.Reverberator brief introduction:
Reverberator is one of device of conventional igneous law smelt. By exercise property cent is seasonal work and successional exercise reverberator; Can divide by smelt property for fusion, fused, fine and roast reverberator. Reverberator has a structure simple, operation is convenient and easy control, right the adaptability of raw material and fuel the water consumption in stronger, production is less wait for an advantage. Accordingly, reverberator is mixed in concentrate of fusion copper, stannum, bismuth those who treat plumbic dross and metal is fused receive wide application with the respect such as fine.

Graph 1: The main drawback that reverberator principle reverberator produces is quantity of specific fuel consumption bigger, thermal efficiency is inferior (have 15~30% only commonly) , reflex of the fusion that build sulfur returns chroma of sulfur of the 2 oxidation in rate of existence to decoke and flue gas low, cover an area of an area big, use up the defect such as a large number of fireproof material. In recent years, large fusion reverberator is used stop the condole that turn pattern hangs type of roof, siphon to put matte and sintering furnace of magnesian iron whole bottom; Fine reverberator is used punch a hole put copper; Automata of system of mouth of feed in raw material and refrigeration of arch foot Liang Yongshui, feed in raw material and progressively promotion more than heat boiler. For process of fusion of reverberator of fusion of farther aggrandizement copper, in raising raw material, chemical heat reachs the utilization rate of sulfur, reduce the pollution to the environment, already began to use what rouse sirocco to bath not to have reverberator of refine of makings slope Chi Rong, for large reverberator open up new development perspective. At present reverberator develops a tendency always is increasing furnace size basically is to enlarge width; Introduce much more dispersive heat addition in order to increase furnace thermic load; Use oxygen boosting sirocco to support combustion in order to raise furnace temperature; Use fireproof data and add compulsive cooling part in order to prolong life of body of heater. 2. Reverberator structure:

Graph 2: Sketch map of reverberator section structure (A- condole carries type on the head; B- vault type) 1- makings slope; 2- puts cupreous mouth; 3- pounds dozen of layer; 4- slag tap; 5- burner 1) hearth
According to hearth with the relation cent of furnace radical is hearth of built on stilts and solid hearth; According to hearth structure cent turns over arch hearth and agglomeration whole hearth for bricky build by laying bricks or stones. The fine reverberator of periodic exercise and fusion reverberator use bricky build by laying bricks or stones to turn over arch hearth more, general thick for 700~900 millimeter. By fall and go up ordinal for: Hearth casting iron plate or armor plate, asbestine board (10~20mm) , argillaceous brick (230~345mm) , pound dozen of makings layer (50~100mm) and the magnesia brick of stratosphere build by laying bricks or stones or magnalium brick turn over arch (230~380mm) . Hearth turns over arch center part to inspect fuse-element specific gravity is decided with deepness. When fuse-element proportion and deepness are big, appropriate of arch center part is bigger.
2) of reverberator of boiler setting fusion inside the wall uses build by laying bricks or stones of brick of magnesia brick, magnalium to build more. If a little significant position reachs mouth of converter broken bits to wait near the fine coal burner of cupreous fusion reverberator, build to lengthen service life to all use step of chromic magnesia brick. The melting furnace of the metal with inferior melting point can be built with clay brick build by laying bricks or stones. The wall uses argillaceous brick commonly outside. The ply of boiler setting of upside of bath of cupreous fusion reverberator is 460~690 millimeter commonly. To prolong boiler setting life, bath bottom gradually wrong stage is added thick, thick can amount to 900~1290 millimeter, end wall bottom is thick amount to 1000~1400 millimeter. Boiler setting fender is set commonly outside the boiler setting of bath part. Because furnace temperature is fluctuant bigger to the furnace of periodic exercise, to increase the stability of boiler setting structure, often camber of build by laying bricks or stones, avoid boiler setting to the collapse inside the chamber of a stove or furnace. To prolong the service life of boiler setting, setting water is covered outside the boiler setting that can take in line of bath broken bits. 3) roof
Reverberator roof configuration is bricky build by laying bricks or stones vaulted hang roof with condole. Condole hangs roof to be able to divide again for:
4) mouth of feed in raw material and sprue of converter broken bits
Mouth of feed in raw material of roof of reverberator of periodic exercise fusion. The fusion reverberator of a few kinds of periodic exercise such as bismuth of refine stannum, refine and processing lead dross, mouth of its feed in raw material all is set in roof commonly. The size of mouth of feed in raw material inspects the condition of charging and decide. Commonly make it water covers type mouth of roof feed in raw material.
3.Reverberator uses fireproof data:

Graph 3: Reverberator uses fireproof material sketch map
Reverberator roof accepts high temperature blaze to erode continuously, urgent cold urgent hot action and chemistry are eroded wait for an influence, mar faster, ministry of the current political situation is burned to wear, it is the weak point of furnace, its service life is the life of reverberator namely.
This furnace roof divides the top that it is condole and vault two kinds (graph 3) . When furnace span is less than 3.5m, use vault commonly, working layer is built with silica brick build by laying bricks or stones, blame job layer uses argillaceous brick and clay to pledge adiabatic brick build by laying bricks or stones is built, because suffer the effect such as alkalescent soot, frit decrease is sharper, service life is 3 ~ normally 6 months. A string of 1 the top does not accept the restriction of furnace span, use magnalium generally to pledge or layer of job of magnesian chromic condole, improved service life. Chinese reverberator uses what arch condole is united in wedlock to stop commonly the condole that turn pattern hangs a structure, build with alkalescent brick build by laying bricks or stones, life of roof of high temperature area is 9 ~ 11 months, the usable 3a above of microtherm area; Reverberator boiler setting is used commonly firing the alkalescent brick build by laying bricks or stones such as magnesia brick, magnesian chromic brick, chromic magnesia brick and magnalium brick is built, system of line of division of broken bits line is marred faster, adopt increase its ply or outside side installation water-cooling is covered wait for measure, in order to improve service life; Hearth first brick of pave clay qualitative heat insolation and argillaceous brick, again build by laying bricks or stones is firing magnesia brick, pound dozen of makings to pound dozen of hearth and layer of makings slope job with pink of bittern magnesia iron finally, agglomeration hind can throw production, service life is longer.
The place on put together appeals to, TOP is above technology of application of furnace of fireproof material kiln is little make up liner of smallness refine copper reverberator relevant content. Greeting attention is able to bear or endure channel of material manufacturer technology.