Method of construction of brick of light qualitative heat preservation pledges the build by laying bricks or stones of heat preservation brick is built gently is a detailed engineering. In construction process, to satisfy the quality requirement of each link, must notice careful construction strictly, often check. It is the relevant construction method of kiln wall and kiln top heat-insulation layer below, offer reference. (1) build by laying bricks or stones of heat preservation brick is built. The height of heat preservation wall, ply and total length must accord with the regulation of blueprint paper. Build by laying bricks or stones builds method and argillaceous firebrick identical, use fireproof mud build by laying bricks or stones to build. Body of build by laying bricks or stones should make sure plaster is full, mortar is full degree should amount to 95% above. When bricklaying forbidden knock a brick with hammer, knock bricky surface gently with rubber hammer correctional. Forbidden the knife that use ash cuts a brick directly. Need the cut machine of treatment to answer cut is orderly. To avoid heat preservation bright fire is contacted directly inside brick and kiln, firebrick build by laying bricks or stones can be used to build all round observation hole, cotton of heat preservation wall, heat preservation, outside the wall is built receive a brick to also use argillaceous firebrick build by laying bricks or stones is built.

(2) outfit of insulation cotton shop. Be isolated from the dimension of cotton board should satisfy design requirement not only, and the real need that should satisfy convenient installation. The attention answers in installing a process: Cotton board must tighten intimate contact, narrow as far as possible contact clearance. Be in place of cotton board connect, good with agglutinate of high temperature adhesive, make its sealed and firm, in order to ensure its are isolated from the effect. The cotton that machines to need board, knife is orderly, forbidden tear off directly with the hand.
Vitreous kiln regenerator uses brick of light qualitative heat preservation to wait for regenerator of kiln of glass of material construction contrast to use the construction method such as coating of brick of light qualitative heat preservation, siliceous aluminous beaverboard, heat preservation, siliceous calcareous plate to contrast as follows: Build heat-insulation layer with build by laying bricks or stones of brick of light qualitative heat preservation, after at the same time build by laying bricks or stones builds the wall outside regenerator or can baking kiln, but should shift to an earlier date build by laying bricks or stones builds Latin brick, make heat-insulation layer and outside the wall becomes an organic whole, prevent layer of heat preservation brick and wall body to come off. In construction process, use heat preservation brick and regenerator wall system commonly at the same time build by laying bricks or stones is built. Ply of actual heat-insulation layer can be half, together, together half wait. The surface outside its also can add the heat-insulation layer of other data; Calcareous plate of light qualitative silicon is solder angle iron the certain height between post of the fence outside regenerator, insert one by one of small qualitative siliceous calcareous plate angle iron between. Construction ply is one layer board thick (the construction of 50 siliceous aluminous beaverboard is more troublesome. Except solder outside the angle iron that prop up, still should be in perpendicular solder with horizontal way steel, ply should undertake adjustment by the requirement. Only ability of heat preservation coating chases a daub on outer wall, arrive at place to need ply continuously. Normally, 3 kinds of material do not contact fireproof material directly after, it is however outside heat preservation brick construction. With respect to construction complexity character, siliceous aluminous beaverboard is more troublesome, it is brick of light qualitative heat preservation and silicon calcareous plate next, coating of besmear heat preservation is simple.
The distinguishs heat preservation brick main function of heat preservation brick and firebrick is heat preservation, reduce loss of quantity of heat. Heat preservation brick does not contact blaze directly commonly, and firebrick contacts blaze directly commonly. Firebrick basically is used at roast blaze. General component is two kinds, be not namely shape fireproof material and shape fireproof material. Blame shape fireproof material: Say again pouring makings, be mix pulverous grain by what a variety of aggregate or aggregate mix a kind or a variety of adhesive comprise. When using must with one plant or a variety of liquids mix even, liquidity is strong. Shape fireproof material: General firebrick, its appearance has standard regulation, also can machine temporarily according to need. The main distinction of heat preservation brick and firebrick is as follows: 1. Heat preservation function. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of heat preservation brick is 350 ± in 0.2-0.4(average temperature commonly 25 ℃ ) W/m.k, and the coefficient of thermal conductivity of firebrick is 350 ± for 1.0(average temperature 25 ℃ ) W/m.k. 2. Fireproof the fireproof sex that spends heat preservation brick is in 1400 degrees commonly the following, the fireproof sex of firebrick is in 1400 degrees of above. 3. Brick of density heat preservation is light qualitative insulation material commonly, density is 0.8-1.0g/cm3 commonly, firebrick density is in basically 2.0g/cm3 above.
Generally speaking, firebrick machinery intensity is high, service life is long, chemical stability is good, do not have chemical reaction with material, high temperature resistant the gender is good, highest heat-resisting temperature can amount to 1900 ℃ . Special apply to fertilizer plant discretion lukewarm commutation furnace, change canister of converter of furnace, hydrogenation, to decoke, firedamp to turn heat, dispersive gas fluid arrives since, prop up, the action that enclothe and protects activator. The hot-blast stove that also can be used at steely industry and heat shift device. Firebrick has density tall, intensity tall, wear-resisting, corrosion resistance is good, hot coefficient of expansion is small, abrade efficiency low, service life grows tall, noise, the advantage such as material of free from contamination. It is a kind of high grade and abrade medium that applies to all sorts of abrade machinery. Firebrick and heat preservation brick have very big different, their use environment, limits and different also. Different material will be used at different position. When buying material, we should decide according to our actual condition which kinds of fireproof material suits ourselves to use.
What does the factor that affects performance of brick of light qualitative heat preservation have? Because the structure is complex, working environment is harsh, the factor that affects result of heat insolation of brick of light qualitative heat preservation is very much. And all sorts of elements are affected each other, mutual correlation, hard accurate analysis research. But in numerous influencing factor, density of rate of the material composition that main factor is brick of light qualitative heat preservation and structure, hole and hole character, bulk and temperature. (1) the composition of material, chemical and mineral composition of structural material and crystallization structure are brick of influence light heat preservation the main factor of coefficient of thermal conductivity. Generally speaking, the crystal structure of brick of light heat preservation is more complex, coefficient of thermal conductivity is smaller. OK and simple cent is the solid photograph of material crystallization photograph and vitreous photograph. When atom (ionic) because vibration is mixed collision general kinetic energy the atom from high kinetic energy (ionic) the other atom that delivers low kinetic energy (ionic) when, the atom in vitreous photograph (ionic) arrange without foreword, the crystallization photograph that athletic obstruction prep above arranges in order. Accordingly, the coefficient of thermal conductivity of vitreous photograph under crystallization photograph. However, lift when temperature when certain level, the viscosity of vitreous photograph is reduced, atomic (ionic) athletic obstruction is reduced, the coefficient of thermal conductivity of vitreous photograph increases. Contrary, when temperature is elevatory, atomic (ionic) kinetic energy increases, vibration increases, bring about free Cheng to shorten, coefficient of thermal conductivity is reduced. In the internal composition of brick of light qualitative heat preservation, solid photograph is separated by the stoma of a lot of different measurement, cannot form successive solid according to legend to heat up. Heat of gas according to legend replaced most solid according to legend to heat up, coefficient of thermal conductivity is very low.
(2) hole is led and the hole of fireproof material leads hole character to become inverse ratio with coefficient of thermal conductivity. As the addition that hole leads, coefficient of thermal conductivity rises quickly. On this, pledge heat preservation brick is highlighted particularly gently. But lead to same hole, hole size is smaller, distributing evener, coefficient of thermal conductivity is smaller. When hole size small arrive when certain level, the air inside hole is complete by hole wall adsorption, make hole interior is close to vacuum, coefficient of thermal conductivity is small change. When hole size raises fixed rate, heat exchange of convection of the airy inside the heat radiation between hole wall and hole increases, coefficient of thermal conductivity increases. According to relevant document, when small hole medium heat radiation is very small, when hole is very large, especially the long hole of edge efflux direction, can promote efficiency of high fever radiant, can appear even sometimes the heat that brings hole product conducts bigger than compact product individual phenomenon. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of closed pore the coefficient of thermal conductivity under starting a hole. (3) the coefficient of thermal conductivity of brick of bulk density light heat preservation and bulk density show linear concern, namely coefficient of thermal conductivity increases along with the addition of bulk density. Bulk density reflected the hole rate of interior of brick of light heat preservation directly. Bulk density is small, show the hole inside the product is much, solid grain contacts a dot to decrease, heat up conductance of solid according to legend to reduce, coefficient of thermal conductivity is reduced.
(4) the coefficient of thermal conductivity of brick of temperature light heat preservation and temperature show linear concern, lift and increase what coefficient of thermal conductivity follows temperature namely. . However, compare with phase of compact and fireproof data, what pledge the coefficient of thermal conductivity of heat preservation brick follows temperature gently is elevatory and small much. Because compact and fireproof material basically is heat of solid according to legend,this is. When temperature is elevatory, the hot motion aggravate of the element in the product, coefficient of thermal conductivity rises. In brick of light qualitative heat preservation, its organize a structure to be gas phase structure more (65~78% ) . When temperature is elevatory, the coefficient of thermal conductivity of gas phase always is less than solid photograph.