The choice should consider the following when light qualitative firebrick: L job temperature, use temperature for a long time namely use temperature concerns the upper limit of it and heat preservation firebrick. In foreign standard, upper limit uses temperature (classify temperature namely) it is to point to maintain 24h to weigh the change that burn a line to not be more than 29 experiments temperature continuously, but the working temperature that this temperature cannot regard heat preservation as firebrick. Normally foreign practice is: Working temperature is equal to classified temperature to subtract 10% , classified temperature is subtractive 40% ℃ . For example the working temperature of JM26 (℃ ) =1430 one 10% × ℃ of 1430 one 40-1247. Because our country weighs the experimental method of the change that burn a line to was not cut truly,indicate time of its heat preservation is 24h, accordingly, when select material examines to pledge the brick weighs the change that burn a line gently, should make clear for 2h4, undertake by ASTMCZIO. 2 compression intensity is fireproof material generates strength through fluid photograph normally, high strenth means base substrate to produce more fluid photographs below combustion temperature. These fluid photographs cool room temperature is glass mostly, brittleness is big, reduced the thermal shock stability of material. Accordingly, when choosing light qualitative firebrick, do not answer compression intensity to raise exorbitant requirement. Carry roller path kiln on the head to making the same score condole, its wall aspect pledges firebrick basically bears gently self-prossessed. For example, to 1 tall height, pressure of upper limit of susceptive of.5m kiln wall, light qualitative firebrick is 0.15Kg/cm2. Of course, this kind of pressure can increase below high temperature. Be carried to facilitate and construction, consult foreign experience, 0.8g/cm3, it is 15Kg/cm2 respectively with the compression intensity of 1.0g/cm3, light qualitative firebrick, control with 20Kg/cm2 can. Standard of abroad of stability of 3 thermal shock does not have a requirement to light qualitative firebrick, also did not examine standard. This index is the comprehensive report of material function, have main effect to the service life of kiln. Carry out a proof, the attaint of light qualitative firebrick basically is craze is mixed rupture. Drop horn. Consult the measurement of stability of thermal shock of domestic and international light qualitative firebrick index, the light qualitative firebrick to layer of job of position of high temperature of roller path kiln, need time of cold circulation of 950 ℃ wind more than 15 times.

Roller path kiln pledges fireproof material build by laying bricks or stones builds kiln to support to make the same score condole to carry a structure on the head for light qualitative firebrick gently, according to temperature paragraph setting condole carries height on the head, can satisfy the combustion of ceramic already, can narrow again fluctuation difference in temperature. The atmosphere inside this structure facilitating kiln adjusts and temperature is controlled. Urgent cold paragraph kiln top uses fiber of pottery and porcelain fold piece makes the same score condole, delay is cold the top uses paragraph of pit fiber cotton felt and mineral wool are compound fold piece. Kiln wall by inside and outside use tall aluminium to get together light brick, the fiber blanket that adds different type has thermal insulation, make total ply attenuates, reduce kiln wall thereby accumulate and heat loss due to radiation. Kiln wall can use cotton of fiber of many pottery and porcelain and warming plate, the wall can besmear outside the insulation material such as pearlite, inside wall but spray is infra-red high temperature coating, reduce kiln wall thickness, decrease conduct. Radiation conduct heat, reduce the accumulation of heat of kiln wall thereby, improve thermal efficiency. Current, the kiln motherboard of roller path kiln is armor plate almost, because armor plate has enough mechanical strength and compression strength, but the value of coefficient of thermal conductivity of metallic stuff is very great, helpless at reducing heat loss due to radiation. On the other hand, as raw material price rise, the construction cost of kiln furnace raises, can consider to choose deserted or unqualified large semi-manufactured goods or finished product brick, or the choice exceeds waterproof and fireproof board etc cheap material replaces board, this should be feasible. Because, above all, these bricks and board coefficient of thermal conductivity is far the coefficient of thermal conductivity under metallic stuff, conduce to reduce hot loss; Next, these bricks and board the mechanical strength with also have particular and heat-resisting intensity.
When build by laying bricks or stones is built, ash seams strict control to be in 2mm is in-house; All round burner brick (part seeing fire) use light qualitative Molaishi bricky build by laying bricks or stones is built, with fiber blanket impaction; Tall aluminous brick expands seam introduce carpet of tall aluminous siliceous aluminous fiber, other position expands seam introduce carpet of common and siliceous aluminous fiber. Kiln of energy-saving roller path needs thin brick to pledge gently. Light-duty change. Energy-saving and undoubted fireproof to kiln build by laying bricks or stones material raised taller requirement. Fireproof material future develops kiln of path of thin brick roller the trend is as follows: 1. Light qualitative firebrick reduces bulk density. Raise heat-resisting shake sex. Increase mechanical strength. Decrease to burn the change of the line again. Improve heat proof quality. Lengthen service life and more development direction of economy. Special apply to 15000 above. Working face of kiln of ℃ high temperature pledges the function of firebrick rises harder gently. 2. Fireproof fiber product will get future wider application, kiln of completely fireproof fiber will receive more application. The wear of fireproof fiber product and be able to bear or endure chemistry is caustic should rise further, also should be in high temperature kiln (prep above 1300 ℃ ) very difficult. Not be to do not have high temperature resistant fireproof fiber at present, however the price is very high, performance also is not very good. 3. Roller path kiln is firing the fireproof stuff that takes the other and important place such as firebox of burner of roller, high speed, nozzle needs to be improved further. As the development of fireproof material, still a lot of contradiction need to solve, if be changed gently character with change as mechanical as high temperature intensity service life and intensity, gently to wait character. Solve contradictorily ceaselessly as these, kiln of path of thin brick roller will develop to higher level.
Note of the drying-out after build by laying bricks or stones builds firebrick of roller path kiln 1. After build by laying bricks or stones builds firebrick of roller path kiln, the comprehensive examination before drying-out is very important, cannot careless. General examination is partly: A. Kiln body part; B. Fan reachs pipeline system; C. System of roller strong drive; D. Combustion group reachs reference point; E. Measure an instrument to reach its accessary part. 2. The structural characteristic of kiln furnace makes the basis heat reasonably curve, the roast time that builds roller path kiln is 10~15 day commonly. 3. The spray gun that ignites measure is close to cooling zone one group from fine begins, increase two groups of spray gun everyday, till the temperature inside kiln more than 10 thousand ℃ just ignites. Anyhow, extend microtherm roast time as far as possible. 4. Note (1) kiln body heats bulk of generation of the meeting when drying-out expands, because this answers,often examine the case of each place through observation hole. If discover craze or condole top brick fall off, answer to consider in time to handle, or have thermal insulation, or proper mix is slow heat speed. (2) warm-up belt is in roast process often temperature rises faster, and drop not easily. Bring about kiln to carry insulation material on the head to fall off to prevent kiln head overheat, should notice to impose hot condition, adjust smoke fan, air-valve and warm-up area to block the height of igneous board appropriately. (3) in roast process, the temperature of cooling zone often lifts not easily, satisfy hard firing curvilinear requirement, bring about craze of the product in trial production process. Accordingly, in roast process, should consider appropriate rate, notice to adjust the span between the product. (Flashboard of 4) each equipment adjusts a frequency to should not be overmuch, open quantity of change of a powerful person to should not be too big every time, make rate of the air current inside kiln stable, temperature change alleviates.