Firebrick of Mo Laishi series manufactures technology

March 15, 2024Nov 23, 2024

Mo Laishi pledges fireproof material divides agglomeration Mo Laishi brick and Mo Laishi of electric frit pipe fitting brick 2 kinds.

1, low creep Mo Laishi brick

In order to make tall aluminium of grog of Mo Laishi cement, special grade aluminous cement grog is raw material, another adds calcite of one part tall purity and antiseptic, producible make low creep Mo Laishi brick.

Raw material comes via smashing after 3mm of particle size distribution, via dividing iron equipment, residue on sieve reserve is used. Does raw material secret recipe give out: ? ?4% of N of handkerchief of  word  , grog of Ji earth cement 20% , calcite 6% , grind in all pulverize 40% . Raw material is in mix grind begin in machine mix practice. Add grain makings first, dry 3min of shirt-sleeve agent mix up is added after mixing 1min, add fine pink again. Always mix practice be between 10? 12min. 24h of the classics after pug mixes practice expects tiredly, pug water portion with 5? 7% advisable. Pug particle size distribution is formed give out: ≫3mm, 5%;3? 1mm, 35~40%;1? 0.5mm, 5? 10%;0.5? 0.1mm, 6? 10%;0.1mm, > 40% .

3mm, 5%;3? 1mm, 35~40%;1? 0.5mm, 5? 10%;0.5? 0.1mm, 6? 10%;0.1mm, > 40% .

Figuration grinds in 300t begin on the machine that press a brick. The cubage of base substrate should operate relative to density control in 2.70g/cm3. Is base substrate in 50? 110 ℃ issue dry rash, do the 16h between impetuous . Do portion of water of remain of the base substrate after impetuous to answer under 0.5% . The of * tall fire of handicraft is spent for 1600 ℃ , 16h of adiabatic heat preservation. The physics index value of handicraft gives out: Show hole to lead 19? Is 21%; cubage opposite density 2.55? Compressive strength of 2.60g/cm3; compression experiment 69? 116MPa;1450°C, 50h pressing creep is led 0.12% .

2, low creep agglomeration Mo Laishi brick

Make stone with andalusite, among silicon line Shi Zunzheng grain content, what pink of silicon line stone, aluminous pink, industry produces alumina pink, clay noodles or vermicelli made from bean or sweet potato starch is mutual fine grind pulverize is made help advance somebody's career matrix makings can make agglomeration Mo Laishi brick. Its raw material makes up give out: Stone: content of the grain intermediate: Fine pink =50:12:38. Add in condiment compound model shirt-sleeve agent, grind with 260t figuration of the machine that press a brick. Airing of base substrate classics comes rudimental water portion under 1% , fire is begun in installing blaze kiln. Fire is spent for 1490 ℃ , 19h of adiabatic heat preservation, the hole rate of handicraft is achieved 17.15% , cubage is opposite density 2.53g/cm3, normal temperature issues 136.5MPa of compression experiment compressive strength, load molten spends 1627 ℃ . 1450 ℃ , 50h creep rate is achieved 0.87% . If fire is spent,be 1450 ℃ , heat insolation increases to 26h between heat preservation , return the eye land that can exceed agglomeration. But, the handicraft target cost that physics performance data compares 1490 ℃ fire is low certain. For instance 1450 ℃ , 50h creep rate is 0.98% .

3, agglomeration Mo Laishi brick

The agglomeration of Mo Laishi brick spends agglomeration to be controlled in 1600 ℃ commonly. Tall in that way agglomeration is spent make agglomeration not comes stone brick hard dimensions sex production is made. Apply particularity SiO? particularity, is right amount particularity SiO taken in condiment? , can let agglomeration the brick is in Molaishi 1550 ℃ agglomeration.

the grain content of 4mm of make it of electric dissolve Mo Laishi, electric frit pipe fitting is fireproof the fine pink of make it 0.088mm, the granuality 00076mm of particularity SiO2. Of raw material make up give out: Grain of Mo Laishi of electric frit pipe fitting expects 60% , electric frit pipe fitting is fireproof fine pink 36% , particularity SiO? Fine pink 4% . The figuration on the machine that press a brick is grinding after condiment drills via mixing. Base substrate classics after 24h of 110 ℃ airing, finish fire at 1550 ℃ .

The physics index of Mo Laishi brick is worth this kind of agglomeration give out: Show hole to lead 20.88% , is cubage opposite density 2.61g/cm? , normal temperature issues 84.4MPa of compression experiment compressive strength, 1550 ℃ , creep of 50h tall is led 0.796% .

4, brick of Mo Laishi corundum

With man-made Bai Gangyu of Molaishi and electric frit pipe fitting is raw material, it is shirt-sleeve agent with Suzhou city land, can produce production heating furnace the canal uses brick of Mo Laishi corundum.

man-made Molaishi smashs make stone to 4mm, pipe fitting white corundum grinds electric frit to make fine noodles or vermicelli made from bean or sweet potato starch to 0.074mm, the vibration of classics of Suzhou city land after airing grinds mill to make shirt-sleeve lotion to 0.5mm. Condiment occupies give out than the category: Generate Molaishi 55? 65% , white corundum of electric frit pipe fitting 25? 30% , suzhou city land 8? 10% . Mutual batch is used wet grind machine mix up. Mix Lian Yingxian to add grain to expect, mix practice 1? 2min, add shirt-sleeve agent to mix practice subsequently 2? 3min, is fine pink added to mix practice after * 3? 5min, always mix the 10min between experienced to fluctuate. Its grain content is formed give out: ≫2mm17.9? 20.2% , 2? 1mm14.3% ? 18.7% , 1? 0.5mm3.9? 5.8% , 0.5? 0.1mm13.1? 15.9% , 0.1mm 42.3? 44.7% , water portion 4.6? 5.4% .

2mm17.9? 20.2% , 2? 1mm14.3% ? 18.7% , 1? 0.5mm3.9? 5.8% , 0.5? 0.1mm13.1? 15.9% , 0.1mm 42.3? 44.7% , water portion 4.6? 5.4% .

Base substrate grinds with 300t figuration of the machine that press a brick, base substrate is 2.70g/cm3 relative to density. Base substrate begins dry impetuous inside desiccator of tunnel construction air. Is passageway spent 40? 50 ℃ , of impetuous of * senior officer spends 130 ℃ , do the 48h between impetuous , portion of base substrate water does not exceed 1.5% . Handicraft is inside channel kiln fire, fire is spent for 1550 ℃ , the 10h between of adiabatic heat preservation.

The manage of handicraft changes index to give out: Al? O? 73.06% , siO? 24.10% , show hole to lead 19.9% , cubage is opposite density 2.55g/cm3, normal temperature issues 81.7MPa of compression experiment compressive strength, 1550 ℃ , the heavy change that burn a line leads 3h - 0.11% , load molten just began to spend 1710 ℃ .

5, Molaishi - brick of silicon line stone

With Shandong province Jiao Baoshi is stone, it is fine pink with silicon line stone, tall aluminous alumina, shirt-sleeve clay, it is shirt-sleeve agent with liquid waste of paddle of sulphurous acid paper, can produce production Molaishi stone of one silicon line pledges china kiln is provided. Its raw material makes up give out: The content of grain of grog of anxious lapidary cement of 3mm 55% , grog of silicon line stone, tall aluminous aluminous cement, shirt-sleeve clay in all mill pink (0.088mm)45%(amid: Silicon line stone 10% , tall aluminium is aluminous 22% , clay 13%) . Add water additionally 3% , liquid waste of paddle of sulphurous acid paper (opposite density is 1.2g/cm3)1% .

Pug particle size distribution is formed (%):≫5mm, 3;5? 2mm, 25;2? 0.5mm, 24;0.5? 0.088mm, 9.5;0.088mm, 38.5; water portion 9. Pug mixes practice send makings order: Fine pink of grain makings, shirt-sleeve agent and water, mix up. Mix the 10min between experienced . Fire finishs at 1370 ℃ in blaze kiln is falling after base substrate classics does impetuous.

5mm, 3;5? 2mm, 25;2? 0.5mm, 24;0.5? 0.088mm, 9.5;0.088mm, 38.5; water portion 9. Pug mixes practice send makings order: Fine pink of grain makings, shirt-sleeve agent and water, mix up. Mix the 10min between experienced . Fire finishs at 1370 ℃ in blaze kiln is falling after base substrate classics does impetuous.

The manage of handicraft changes index to give out: Al? O? 51.9% , siO? 43.9% , show hole to lead 23% , is cubage opposite density 2.27g/cm? , 38.2MPa of compression experiment compressive strength, load molten spends 1520 ℃ , thermal shock dependability (1100 ℃ , water-cooling comes loose hot) > 20.

Mo Laishi - handicraft of silicon line stone makes ejector plate brick in kiln of china ejector plate, application fluctuates 25 times not deformation, nondestructive is bad.

6, brick of silicon line stone

It is stone in order to generate grog of cement of grog of cement of earth of Molaishi, tall aluminous Ji, Jiao Baoshi, with chicken silicon line stone is on the west help advance somebody's career matrix, choose the engineering technology that manufactures production clay brick, can produce brick of stone of production silicon line.

Of raw material make up give out: Silicon line stone 45? 50% , mo Laishi + Jiao Baoshi + is Ⅱ about the same is tall aluminium aluminous 35? 50% , is Ⅰ about the same earth of tall aluminous Ji 5? 10% , clay 5? 10% . Or so raw material is occupied by condiment say to weigh than beginning and be in mix grind begin in machine mix practice. Add grain makings first, add shirt-sleeve agent again, fine pink is added after mixing , mix experienced 10min, does pug water portion operate in 3? 3.5% .

The friction that brick of silicon line stone controls with 300t presses bricky machine figuration, does base substrate operate relative to density in 2.53g/cm? Or so. The base substrate after figuration begins dry impetuous in tunnel construction oast. Is of oast Zuo mouth spent 40? 50 ℃ , is passageway spent 150? 200 airing 8? 10h, rudimental water portion does not exceed 0.5% . Is the fire of brick of silicon line stone spent for 1350? 1400 ℃ , adiabatic heat preservation 8? 10h.

The crucial manage of brick of silicon line stone changes index to give out: Al? O? 61.45%;SiO? Does 35.15%; show hole to lead 15.3%; cubage opposite density 2.58g/cm? ; normal temperature issues ℃ of 123.4MPa;1500 of compression experiment compressive strength, 2h burns a line to transform again + 0.17%;1450 ℃ , sex of shake of heat-resisting of 0.72%; of 50h creep rate (1100 ℃ ? Water-cooling comes loose hot) more than 15.

     7, swinging head of silicon line stone

Swinging head is the component in the crucial work that vitreous tube helps tubal aircraft. Severe exacting of the standard in its job, not only should bear of the sandwich glass fluid of 1150 ℃ corrode, erode, and return a regulation the work is begun in rotation in. Consequently, formulary handicraft is had extremely strong be able to bear or endure sex of adhere of sandwich glass fluid.

With Shandong province special grade Jiao Baoshi is stone, with chicken clay of Shi Hezi knag is silicon line on the west fine pink can produce qualitative swinging head of stone of production silicon line. Its condiment example is as follows: Jiao Baoshi 60? 65% , silicon line stone 20? 30% , clay 5? 10% , add waste water of paddle of sulphurous acid paper additionally 1.5% , water 4% .

Pug is in wet grind begin in machine mix practice, cast makings order to be: Stone of line of liquid waste of paddle of Jiao Baoshi, water, sulphurous acid paper, clay, silicon. Mix the 10min between experienced . Pug particle size distribution (%): ? ?.84mm13? 18, 0.84? 0.50mm15? 20, 0.5? 0.08mm20? 25, 0.08mm40, water portion 6.

Choose wind hammer to pound dozen of figuration, the atmospheric pressure in wind hammer job 0.39? 0.49MPa. After base substrate classics does impetuous, rudimental water portion 1% . Handicraft is pouring the fire inside blaze kiln, * high fever makes spend 1370 ℃ , the 48h between of adiabatic heat preservation.

The manage of handicraft changes index to give out: Al2O349% , siO247% , show hole to lead 15.7% , load molten spends 1550 ℃ , normal temperature issues 149.7MPa of compression experiment compressive strength. After handicraft classics polish but consign is used.

8, bowl of material of silicon line stone

Makings bowl is kiln of sandwich glass frit response pool below is used at production to make bottle container jar the component in the crucial job that the sandwich glass of terrarium sheds fluid passageway. Concentrate of stone of the line that use silicon and clay make raw material bowl of material of stone of line of producible production silicon.

Raw material makes up give out: Concentrate of silicon line stone 3? 0.5mm 30? 40% , 0.5? 0.088mm 20? 30% , 0.088mm 20? 30%; clay 8? 12% , add waste water of paddle of sulphurous acid paper additionally 3% .

Complex material is in mix grind begin in machine. Make up by pug add grain first after makings doing mixes 1min, add shirt-sleeve agent to mix experienced 3min, add fine pink to mix practice again 4? 6min, does pug water portion operate in 3? 3.5% . Base substrate issues figuration in the actuating pressure of 14.7MPa, in 40? Does the of 60 ℃ spend next dry impetuous 3? 4d, in 1450 ℃ fire.

The value of crucial physics index of handicraft gives out: Show hole to lead 22.5% , is cubage opposite density 2.07g/cm? , normal temperature issues 83MPa of compression experiment compressive strength, load molten spends 1320 ℃ , thermal shock dependability (1100 ℃ , water-cooling comes loose hot) 18.

9, ball of silicon line stone

With grog of tall aluminous aluminous cement, chicken concentrate of silicon line stone is raw material on the west, soft model clay and powder of paddle of sulphurous acid paper are shirt-sleeve agent hot-blast stove of blast furnace of producible production puddling uses silicon line Shi Zhitian to fill a ball.

Raw material makes up give out: Content of grain of grog of tall aluminous aluminous cement, 0.9? Fine pink of grog of cement of alumina of 0.5mm 55%; tall aluminium, shi Xifen of line of 0.074mm 15%; silicon, fine pink of 0.045mm 20%; shirt-sleeve clay, 0.074mm 10%; adds paper paddle powder additionally, 0.28mm 5% .

Is fine pink of grog of fine pink of silicon line stone, will tall aluminous aluminous cement, clay fine pink pressed make up grind a Chinese Communist at vibration 10? 15min obligate. Mix practice to be in wet grind begin in machine. Add grog of cement of earth of tall aluminous Ji first, reassume is right amount water, mix practice 2? 3min hind adds paper paddle powder again, mix up fine pink is added after the 1min that mix practice, mix practice in all 7? 10min, does water portion operate in 5? 17% . Is the base substrate after figuration in 60? Does the of 80 ℃ spend next dry impetuous 8? 10h, make remain water portion 2% . The fire of handicraft is spent for 1500 ℃ , adiabatic heat preservation 10? 12h.

The crucial physics index of handicraft is worth: Show hole to lead 25.41% , is cubage opposite density 2.45g/cm? , normal temperature issues 54MPa of compression experiment compressive strength, load molten spends 1450 ℃ , thermal shock dependability 1100 ℃ water-cooling comes loose hot) > 30.

10, andalusite brick

It is stone with andalusite, with stone of line of grog of tall aluminous aluminous cement, silicon and clay fine pink is help advance somebody's career matrix, iron of producible production torpedo store the andalusite brick that water jar uses.

Smash andalusite classics, grade classifies reserve to use. Grog of will tall aluminous aluminous cement and clay are in shake wet obligate of mill of the mix up in ball mill. Its raw material makes up give out: Andalusite 50? 55% , silicon line stone 15? 25% , is tall aluminium aluminous 15? 20% , clay 5? 10% . With annulus grind machine begin mix practice, the Ying Xiantian that mix practice increases grain content, medium grain content, dry mix 2? 3min, add shirt-sleeve agent subsequently, grind in all pulverize, always mix the 15min between experienced .

The grain content compose of pug becomes: 3? 2mm 25% , 2? 1mm 15% , 1? 0.5mm 6.5% , 0.5? 0.088mm 10.5% , 0.088mm 43% . Tired stuff of pug classics 25h comes to an end to grind with 630t figuration of the machine that press a brick, is base substrate opposite density 2.65? 2.75g/cm? . After handicraft classics does impetuous, be in channel kiln fire, * high fever makes spend 1350 ℃ , 8h of adiabatic heat preservation.

The crucial physics index of handicraft is worth: Is cubage opposite density 2.48g/cm? , show hole to lead 13.7% , normal temperature issues 110.8MPa of compression experiment compressive strength, load molten spends 1560 ℃ , creep is led (1350 ℃ , 50h)15% , the heavy change that burn a line (1450 ℃ , 2h)0.07% , thermal shock dependability (1100 ℃ water-cooling comes loose hot) > 30.

11, silicon line stone brick of one carborundum refractory slab

With carborundum arenaceous for stone, it is with silicon line stone and clay help advance somebody's career matrix, it is shirt-sleeve agent with liquid waste of paddle of sulphurous acid paper, can produce stone of production silicon line brick of one carborundum refractory slab, its secret recipe gives out: Carborundum (one Ji ) 50? 65% , silicon line stone 15? 35% , clay 10? 15% . Pug particle size distribution forms give out: 3? 2mm12? 20% , 2? 1mm15? 24% , 1? 0.5mm10? 12% , 0.5~0.088mm20? 25% , 0.088mm30? 35% .

Pug is in mix grind begin in machine mix practice, send makings order: Add carborundum grain thing first, add waste water of paddle of sulphurous acid paper, the fine pink that has mixed is added after mix up is well-balanced. Mix experienced 10min to be able to be entered again makings, should pug water portion operate in 3? 4% .

Figuration is to be in 500t is begun on 4 column hydraulic press, is base substrate opposite 2.65g/cm of density prep above? . Base substrate does impetuous 3d via 40 ℃ , rudimental water portion should under 1% . Fire can be begun inside kiln pouring blaze, fire spends 1430 ℃ , between of adiabatic heat preservation 8? 16h, the 90h between total fire .

Silicon line stone - value of index of physics of brick of carborundum refractory slab gives out: Show hole to lead 21% , is cubage opposite density 2.3? 2.35g/cm? , compression experiment compressive strength > 35.2MPa, load molten is spent > 1520 ℃ , thermal shock dependability (1100 ℃ , water-cooling comes loose hot) > 8.

35.2MPa, load molten is spent > 1520 ℃ , thermal shock dependability (1100 ℃ , water-cooling comes loose hot) > 8.

1520 ℃ , thermal shock dependability (1100 ℃ , water-cooling comes loose hot) > 8.

This handicraft can spend the brick of refractory slab of china channel kiln that is 1370 ℃ as fire . Dependability of this handicraft diathermancy, thermal shock is good, be able to bear or endure air oxidizes, manufacturing technological process is simple and easy, low cost, can replace tall aluminium to make refractory slab brick.

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