All sorts of mineral groups in fireproof material yuan concern between structure and photograph

March 15, 2024Nov 25, 2024

     It is early at the beginning of 90 time, england thinks the scientist realises applied lithofacies learns a method to study the value of fireproof material, put forward aboutFireproof materialIn eachKind mineral group yuan the deeply touched that concerns between structure and photograph reads aloud. Getatable data is very commendable, what can know to make one gives chemical composition not only is fireproofHow does material obtain the means of the physical function of the requirement, and know its reason: For example, in firing when did not produce chemical change normally, and mineral photograph howeverHad marked change. The value that finished product lithofacies learns to examine is to make the idea that develops high quality product more incorporate. But their experiment only bureau be confined to is thinPiece, what can make shallow only is mineral raise the opinion with microstructure.

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