Firebrick how construction build by laying bricks or stones is built, with what material build by laying bricks or stones?

March 15, 2024Nov 25, 2024

The construction build by laying bricks or stones of firebrick builds the skill with certain need and professional knowledge. It is common construction step and place require data below:
Preparation works:
Clear construction area, ensure fundamental level off, clean. The material such as the firebrick that preparation needs, fireproof mortar and water. Irrigate build a base:
On ready foundation, irrigate build concrete base, ensure solid peace is whole. Cut brick:
According to need, machine of use brick cut or hammer become firebrick cut proper measure and figure. Mix fireproof mortar:
According to the proportion that manufacturing business provides, powder of will fireproof mortar and water mix, till achieve proper chroma and viscosity. Build by laying bricks or stones builds firebrick:
Use scoop or scraper, the bottom daub in the brick thin thin fireproof mortar. Place firebrick go up in the foundation, use mallet light clap to attack, ensure brick and fundamental contact are good. Mix between brick and brick fill is fireproof between brick and foundation mortar, ensure of body of build by laying bricks or stones mix firm sealed. Strengthen a structure (optional) :
According to need, fireproof reinforcing steel bar is joined in body of build by laying bricks or stones or other strengthen material, in order to increase structural stability and wear. Dry with solidify:
System letting build by laying bricks or stones is natural below room temperature dry with solidify, in order to ensure of the complete sclerosis of fireproof mortar and body of build by laying bricks or stones firm. The need when construction build by laying bricks or stones is built notices to maintain the cleanness of construction site, ensure the quality of firebrick and fireproof mortar, and according to the design requirement and standard are operated. If do not determine the use method of construction measure or material, the proposal asks professional public figure or technical personnel has guidance and help.

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