Ignition of rotary kiln kiln warms up
When system of intake air heater sufficient warm-up, kiln end temperature amounts to 950 ℃ to control (by buy type decomposes furnace firebox temperature to amount to 650 ℃ ~ 700 ℃ ) , when kiln head firebrick gives out bright white, should umbriferous keep firing take temperature. Can open valve of tertiary air canal at this moment to 10% the left and right sides, open tertiary air valve raise tubal valve and to decompose furnace gush coal. Usually, coal but natural, do not want artificial stir up trouble. Below the circumstance that does not expect fully, ignite after decomposing furnace, outlet temperature achieves canister of one class tornado very quickly 450 ℃ of 400 ℃ ~ , should open big air cooling temperature of waste gas of adjustment of a powerful person.
When second ignition runs rotary kiln, cast makings the operation item that hangs skin of new cave dwelling
Cast makings
Wait for canister of 5 class tornado outlet temperature achieves 850 ℃ ~ when 900 ℃ , adjust valve of tertiary air canal leaves degree, after increasing tertiary air to measure appropriately, can cast makings. Begin to feed makings quantity to be able to be design crop 40% the left and right sides. Makings hind closes the air cooling valve of high temperature fan gradually below, control enters temperature of gas of high temperature fan to be controlled in 350 ℃ , increase gush coal and systematic platoon wind force appropriately, rotary kiln runs continuously with inferior rotate speed, enter rotary kiln to heat further through sufficient warm-up and the stock that disclose, transfer after belt begin to appear a few fluid photographs, and in firing belt appear more juice photograph, have a few makings ball arises, subsequently firing belt begin a large number of sticking to appear hang a phenomenon, kiln skin will begin to be formed gradually.

Hang kiln skin
Kiln skin level is registered in rotary kiln, rotary kiln should maintain inferior bear to undertake. Should maintain wind, makings, coal and kiln hard fast reasonable, stable, maintain rotary kiln firing the stability that takes temperature, it is kiln skin thickness even, level off, solid. When the skin that hang kiln, firing take temperature exorbitant, the kiln skin that hangs will be burned to cross, raw material is burned high to flow too because of temperature, inside kiln occurrence common says ' go-cart ' phenomenon, the ablation that accelerates rotary kiln firebrick greatly. And firing take when temperature is too low, can appear ' run unripe ' the kiln skin of phenomenon and loose with filling. Such conditions leave the kiln skin that form, the combinative strength between kiln skin and firebrick is not high, extremely easy cave in, lost the protective action to firebrick thereby.
Cement decomposes kiln to hang kiln skin speed to want to compare other kiln beforehand model a few faster, need 3 ~ about 4. The skin that wait for kiln reachs certain level (the firebrick that builds to new step needs 2 ~ about 3) , newborn kiln skin can protect firebrick effectively, kiln is firing when the cylindrical shell temperature that takes place also gets controlling, can press horary the addition of 5% is measured, increase stage by stage feed makings volume normally, increase the amount feeding coal of kiln head and kiln end accordingly at the same time. Increasing strength of kiln head heating power steadily stage by stage, increase stage by stage feed makings volume while, a stability, hard kiln skin also was formed gradually.