How to raise light qualitative Molaishi heat preservation function of the brick

March 15, 2024Nov 25, 2024

As the progress of content of the Al2O3 in Mo Laishi brick, function of its high temperature progresses, and frit dosage grow in quantity, high temperature function is reduced. Accordingly, control content of foreign matter oxide strictly, especially the content of K2O, Na2O and Fe2O3, it is to obtain tall function the important step of Mo Laishi brick. In contain alkaline of kind of composition slaggy or gas atmosphere is medium use, to not coming the brick all has stone to corrode action austerely. Mo Laishi pledges adiabatic brick is our country's new-style fireproof material, can contact blaze directly, have high temperature resistant, small the heatproof shake performance with degree of tall, small, good coefficient of thermal conductivity, energy-saving effect to wait for a characteristic significantly. Apply to crucible of kiln of drawer of porcelain of kiln of path of roller of splitting decomposition furnace, hot-blast stove, pottery and porcelain, report, glass and the liner of all sorts of electric stove. Mo Laishi brick or light qualitative Molaishi brick: Be with Mo Laishi brick (3Al2O3•2SiO2) the expensive aluminous simple fireproof stuff that gives priority to brilliant photograph. General alumina content is in 65% ~ 75% between. Mineral composition divides Molaishi outside, contain alumina among them inferior person still contain a few glass photographs and Fang Shiying; Contain alumina taller person still contain a few corundum. Fireproof degree taller, can amount to 1790 ℃ above. Loading bate begins temperature 1700 ℃ of 1600 ~ . Intensity of normal temperature compression 70 ~ 260MPa. Heatproof shake sex is good. Have agglomeration Mo Laishi brick and electric frit Mo Laishi brick two kinds. Agglomeration not comes stone brick is main raw material with tall aluminous aluminous grog, join a few clay or unripe alumina to make bond, via shaping, firing and make. Electric frit not comes stone brick is raw material with alumina of tall alumina, industry and fireproof clay, join charcoal or coke granule to make reducer, law of reductive report frit is used to make after shaping. The crystallization of electric frit Mo Laishi is bigger than agglomeration Mo Laishi, heatproof shake sex is better than agglomeration goods. Their high temperature capability basically depends on the uniformity that the content of alumina and glass of Mo Laishi get along with distributing. Basically use at Xuan of brick of structure of regenerator of kiln of frit of shaft of hot-blast stove roof, blast furnace and hearth, glass, upside, upside lining of blind angle of system of splitting decomposition of kiln of agglomeration of brick of path of brick of foot of top, Xuan, makings, cover board, pottery and porcelain, oil, reaction furnace of carbon black of liner of lukewarm kiln furnace is urgent in industry of metallurgy pole other cold paragraph, keep paragraph of liner. Shape component, reaction furnace of lukewarm carbon black and other heat up the Fe2O3 below high temperature of tool buy liner to be in Molaishi and corundum in fixed firm dissolve is spent, fashion finite solid solution. Its solid dissolve in corundum is spent ratio those who be in Molaishi is tall, because of the formation of solid solution, make Molaishi and the crystal lattice of corundum grown. Fe2O3 to Al2O3 one SiO2 is material only then content of the Al2O3 in the influence of frit temperature and system perhaps says with Al2O3 / SiO2 ratio is concerned, when Al2O3 / SiO2, only then frit temperature is 1380 ℃ , when Al2O3 / SiO2>2. 55 when, only then frit temperature progresses 1460 ℃ , therewith A12O3 content progresses and progress gradually. Below reducing atmosphere, fe2O3 by reductive into FeO Tuo Rong enters vitreous phase, make of the system only then frit temperature drops, drop to be mixed to 1240 ℃ respectively 1380 ℃ . Light qualitative Molaishi contains the foreign matter oxide such as TiO2, Fe2O3, CaO, MgO, K2O and Na2O normally in the brick, the matter content in the Molaishi that natural raw material produces should compare artificial synthesis raw material is tall. These foreign matter oxide have flux effect in Molaishi, the formation that reduces frit fluid temperature and viscosity, increase the inherent amount of fluid photograph, ascensive frit fluid is mixed to the deliquescent speed of solid photograph deliquescent amount, but the effect that each impurity oxide has loses by force level is different, form temperature to fluid photograph with K2O and Na2O among them the impact is big, k2O and Na2O make its nod temperature to reduce 513 ~ without variable respectively 724 ℃ , return an intention that discloses Molaishi at the same time. In these foreign matter oxide, the impact of TiO2 is little, make nod temperature to reduce 101 ~ without variable only 107 ℃ . When TiO2 when content is less, besides the branch solid dissolve fashions finite solid solution in Molaishi, stimulative Molaishi is brought up inherently with crystal development outside, still the branch enters fluid photograph to form vitreous body below high temperature. 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