Compound Molaishi the brick is two layer or multilayer material is qualitative compound produce and become, have the effect such as heat preservation of wear-resisting heat insolation.

Firebrick is comprised by working layer, thermal insulation, use synchronism to shape, synchronous combustion technology. Working layer uses electric frit Mo Laishi, leveling aluminous grog, high grade andalusite, additive, alkali resistance erodes ability strong, high temperature resistant performance is good, heat-resisting shake stability is good, high temperature intensity is high. Low heat conduction is compound Mo Laishi brick uses synchronism to shape, synchronous combustion technology, solved multilayer composite material coefficient of expansion does not match the high temperature craze that cause, be out of shape, fall off wait for a problem, increased the thermal conductivity of the product and thermal shock stability; Use zirconium fireproof fiber serves as thermal insulation, optimize a structure, lowered integral material coefficient of thermal conductivity effectively: When 1000 ℃ , working layer thermal conductance (laser method) 2.69W/ (Mk) , heat expands 0.54% , heat-insulation layer thermal conductance (laser method) 1.58W/ (Mk) , thermal conductance 0.61% .
Low heat conduction is compound Mo Laishi brick, use complex structure design. It is main raw material with Molaishi, it is main exterior with Molaishi, lower the integral coefficient of thermal conductivity of Mo Laishi brick, increase strength of high temperature structure effectively. Be based on Mo Laishi corrosion resistance to differ, add a share compound additive, add matrix alumina content, optimize matrix, the alkali resistance that increases firebrick corrodes function. To fall further low yield tastes the coefficient of thermal conductivity of working layer, use 97# carborundum noodles or vermicelli made from bean or sweet potato starch, join andalusite white, raise matrix, lower coefficient of thermal conductivity not only, and the strength of high temperature structure that increases firebrick and heat-resisting earthquake stability.
(: of 1) job layer? Yu 70 aluminous earth base agglomeration Mo Laishi is main raw material, aluminous earth is leveling aggregate and powder, add a variety of additive such as laurel of andalusite, carbonization, prolong service life. Index of function of its job layer is: AL2o3 ≥ 67% , ≤ of the rate that show hole 20% , bulk density 2.70g/cm3, cold intensity of pressure spends 90-100mpa, load bate temperature 1650 ℃ , thermal shock stability (1100 ℃ ) ≥ 30. (2) heat-insulation layer: Give priority to with Molaishi, with M60 aluminous earth base agglomeration Mo Laishi is main raw material, add a few compound additive to adjust coefficient of expansion, make its are close to working layer, when avoid agglomeration or be being used from joint craze. Below the premise of contented intensity, improve heat preservation result.
This product is used at the area of rotary kiln, air cylinder temperature can reduce 50~80 ℃ . Transfer before rotary kiln take average temperature to be 250 ℃ , heat preservation effect is apparent. Special apply to large and medium-sized of cement rotary kiln before transfer belt. Service life not under pointed spar brick, silicon not brick or brick of silicon Mo Gong. Before dividing rotary kiln, transfer outside the belt, the place such as side wall of condenser of platoon of tertiary air canal, furnace also will achieve satisfactory use result. As a result of its unique multilayer and complex structure, low heat conduction is multilayer and compound below the premise that Mo Laishi brick is getting used to a series of complex physico-chemical variation inside kiln, lowered integrated coefficient of thermal conductivity, assured to be used of the brick normally not only, and dropped coal consumption and air cylinder temperature. In the meantime, it protected tug and air cylinder effectively not to suffer what high temperature affects to be out of shape, lighter than traditional product weight 15% , 5000T/D rotary kiln transfers the service life of the belt 2 months above. Low heat conduction is compound the energy-saving effect of Mo Laishi brick.
Low heat conduction is compound Mo Laishi brick because intensity tall, wearability tall, corrosion resistance temperature of tall, bate is tall, heatproof shake performance is superior, completely contented large and medium-sized cement rotary kiln produces craft demand, at the same time because its thermal conductivity is low, thermal drop of air cylinder exterior is small, reduce ton of clinker specific fuel consumption, prolong air cylinder service life, bring socioeconomy benefit for cement company.
Wide application will be this product cement industry is managing coal of 24 million tons of standards, reduce 63 million tons of carbon dioxide to discharge, dust of 16 million tons of carbon is discharged and a large number of other and harmful gas, energy-saving decrease contaminant to discharge the effect very apparent, for resource of the energy-saving construction that decrease a platoon managing, environmental protection made contribution.
Low heat conduction is compound Mo Laishi brick because intensity tall, wearability tall, corrosion resistance temperature of tall, bate is tall, heatproof shake performance is superior, completely contented large and medium-sized cement rotary kiln produces craft demand, at the same time because its thermal conductivity is low, thermal drop of air cylinder exterior is small, reduce ton of clinker specific fuel consumption, prolong air cylinder service life, bring socioeconomy benefit for cement company.