Furnace of kiln of TOP fireproof material applies technical channel begin lecturing, what share to everybody today is the chooses a side knowledge about refine lead liner.

Plumbic smelt uses agglomeration blast furnace basically law (namely roast law of one reductive smelt) undertake. Furnace for blast furnace. Plumbic zinc closes blast furnace. Lead of aerobic bottom blowing (QsL) furnace and Jifusaite (this method basically includes KIVCET) argillaceous brick. Tall aluminous brick. Magnesian chromic brick. Pouring makings. Furnace of lead of aerobic bottom blowing, the hot project facilities of lead of refine of the direct concentrate that use lead. It is shown long cylindrical, the level is placed go up in two tray, can rotate 90 ° , furnace is long make an appointment with 22m, cent is reductive area and oxidation area, both has partition. Bottom has an opening, make two area are linked together. Oxidation area installs spray head having oxygen, upside sets mouth of feed a machine. Sleeve nozzle installation is in reductive area. The boiler setting on mouth of division of line of fused furnace, broken bits, partition, feed a machine, nozzle uses fused magnesium commonly chromic brick build by laying bricks or stones is built. Others is used be united in wedlock with magnesian chromic brick directly or firing build by laying bricks or stones of magnesian chromic brick is built.
Oxygen bottom blows bottom of oxygen of furnace of lead of oxygen boosting refine to blow furnace of lead of oxygen boosting refine is a kind of level cylindrical reaction furnace, but circumgyrate 90 ° . The muzzle brick that furnace blows by and surround a brick to be eroded for a long time by high temperature fuse-element. Permeate, corrode decrease is very sharp, the proposal uses high temperature to fight fold the electric frit with high intensity to combine DMGe-24 of magnesian chromic brick. Fuse-element area basically is frit fluid permeate, proposal and magnesian chromic brick combine half BMGe-20. Other position combines chromic brick of proposal general magnesium and lining directly ZMGe-18. Mouth of feed in raw material. Nozzle. Fiber of magnesian chromium steel increases pouring makings recommend mouth and support combustion buccal MGeJ-20. The proposal when wet build by laying bricks or stones uses MGeN-5 of magnesian chromic fireclay.
The choice QSL level that firebrick of area of oxidation of furnace of QSL of law of lead of immediate temper with fire boasts by oxygen rotates the reaction furnace is shown long cylindrical, there is partition inside bath, cent is oxidation fusion area and slag reductive area, there is a passageway to pass fuse-element below partition. Oxidation area hearth has spray gun of immersion type oxygen and export, reductive area bottom has fine coal and carrier air spray gun. Grain concentrate is thrown from oxidation area roof, the plumbic fluid assemble of generation is in bottom. PbO Gao Han measures slag to enter reductive area through dam of partition broken bits, carbon is reductive for lead, regurgitate oxidation area is bottom. The broken bits after the plumbic fluid of fused generation and dilution parts from furnace two upright eduction. Producing a course is successive. In oxidation area, for oxidation sulfide, bath retains higher oxygen power. Bath temperature is 1200 ℃ about. In reductive area, a large number of PbO in be FeO2SiO2 2CaO broken bits are reductive, the air fine coal and constant pressure (or oxygen boosting air) at the same time inbreathe slag bath, make the PbO in broken bits restores. Restore temperature of area slag bath to be 13000 ℃ about. The brick is blown by the magnesian chromium of spray gun of oxygen of QSL oxidation area (include a brick) be serious place is eroded inside furnace.
It is magnesian chromic bottom below blow a brick to erode serious consideration, fireproof stuff is better. The density of Pb compound. Vapour pressure outclass is other metal, but viscosity is very low; Pb compound and its fuse-element density are accordingly high. Fluidity low factor meets good, melting point blow bricky space to hearth. Stomatic deepness is permeated, stop till freezing point temperature. The bottom blows a brick to permeate Pb, oxygen cent is pressed near aerobic spray gun big, pb is oxidized to be PbO. PbO of Pb translate into, bulk increases about 20% . This causes the strength that blows a brick to the bottom very big damage. Next, the spar of magnesian chromic needle in the brick is being blown by magnesian chromium (the meeting below atmosphere of oxidation of the Cr2O in MgO · Cr2O3) turns 6 price into chromic CrO3. In light of the intensity that changes thing from oxide, pbO is alkalescent strong, easy acidity strong CrO3 forms compound of acerbity lead of chromium of low melting point, if Cr2O of · of CrO3.5PbO of · of PbO · CrO3.3PbO is waited a moment. The melting point of compound of these chromic acerbity lead is 820 ℃ left and right sides about. Accordingly, the fluid photograph quantity in the brick is being blown by increases considerably. The oxygen when spray gun inbreathe is acuteness when agitate lead fluid, blow by magnesian chromium because the brick is strong erode and corrode badly.
Although generate CrO3 of · of 3PbO · CrO3.5PbO and MgO · by PbO and CrO3 and MgO and CrO3,the thermodynamic data of CrO3 has not seen, but we know acidity oxide of alkalescent oxide PbO.MgO will be initiative the ground and CrO of acidity oxide collaboration form chromic acerbity lead and chromic acid magnesium. Accordingly, can conclude from thermodynamic estimation: Magnesium of furnace of QSL refine lead blows a brick to may produce reaction in smelt process by chromium (B) . The bottom of area of QSL furnace oxidation that shows magnesian chromic fireproof material is to do blows converter improper. Because magnesium is chromic,quality QSL furnace blows a brick by oxidation area improper, which kinds of stuff is righter?
SiO2 and PbO can form lead of a series of silicon acid of low melting point, melting point makes an appointment with 750 ℃ accordingly, use silica brick or contain silica brick SiO tall aluminous brick is more improper. Fasten phasor from ZrO22PbO n duality, zrO absorbs 50%(rub Er mark) PbO(is equivalent to the quality mark of 6414% ) PbO · ZrO2, its it is good that in 1570 ℃ it still fights PbO aggressivity with ZrO2 of solid state existence.
Fasten phasor from Al2O32PbO n duality 2 show: Al2O3 can absorb 1413%(rub Er mark) PbO(is equivalent to the quality mark of 2617% ) PbO · 6Al2O 3, solid state still is below high temperature. Namely it is better also that corundum fights sexual PbO to erode. Pure ZrO2 brick is too expensive, and pure jade brick is heatproof brace up the gender is not quite good. Right amount ZrO2 is joined in corundum. Zirconium corundum brick can raise the heatproof shake sex of corundum brick not only, return the corrosion resistance that can increase corundum brick, and suit the price more. QSL does base of furnace oxidation area to blow a brick with zirconium corundum more appropriate. QSL furnace blows a brick by coal fines of reductive region spurt and sky, so the condition is FeO2SiO2 broken bits fasten and restore atmosphere, magnesian chromium is so qualitative more appropriate still.
Rotary kiln of plumbic zinc mine zincic soak broken bits and plumbic blast furnace broken bits volatilizes rotary kiln is of all kinds damage to fireproof material in rotary kiln a kind of the most serious rotary kiln, kiln line life is very brief. Decompose as a result of the Zn0.Fe203 in charging reductive into FeO, with fireproof material medium SiO2 has slagging reaction, corrode fireproof material badly, degree is corroded below high temperature bigger. The sulfide of low melting point that Gao Tielu generates in broken bits stock, in permeating fireproof material extremely easily, make body of build by laying bricks or stones corrodes a face to expand loose, suffer charging easily to erode and flake.
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