The function photograph of fireproof slop beard and firebrick matchs, the firebrick of different type and fireproof slop must not match each other. Of firebrick and fireproof slop match a requirement to should accord with next watches to set: ? Dash forward Hu ⒛ dash forward punish of ⒄ of of phosphor of punish of ⒄ of Wu toot forest sail Wu yo ⒛ pursues Wu of Yan of graph of Tou ⒛ pilfer small ⒏ phosphorous? is contained common model, fight flake model) , special type is tall aluminous brick, expensive aluminous qualitative fireclay, phosphate. The magnesian chromic brick such as PA-80 tall aluminous fireclay is magnesian chromic fireclay, magnesian diatomite of fireclay of magnesium of brick of iron fireclay pointed spar, pointed spar the brick uses bricky diatomite enrage hard fireclay silicon acid calcareous plate is special my company basically produces cementing agent the tall aluminous firebrick of all sorts of types, clay firebrick, can finalize the design according to the special demand production of average level and user and product of adventitious fireproof material.

What is fireproof mud? Fireproof mud calls high temperature binder again, fireproof puddle. It is to use as the build by laying bricks or stones of body of refractory products build by laying bricks or stones seams material. According to material, can divide be able to bear or endure for clay, tall aluminium, silicon and magnesium fireclay. It is comprised by fireproof pink, adhesive and additive. Almost all fireproof raw material can use preparation the powder of fireproof mud. Common and fireproof mashed vegetable or fruit is made by fireproof grog pink and right amount and plastic clay, normal temperature intensity is low, strength of union of the pottery and porcelain below high temperature is high. It is bond with water rigid, gas rigid or material of hot rigid union, call chemistry to combine fireproof mashed vegetable or fruit, proper chemical response and sclerosis arise before forming pottery and porcelain to combine temperature. The granuality basis of fireproof mud uses a requirement and different, size is average small 1mm, some is less than 0. 5mm or finer.
The material of fireproof slop should agree with the material of firebrick of body of build by laying bricks or stones. Fireproof mud is divided outside regarding juncture as material, still can regard the protection of liner as coating. The character of fireproof mud reachs application: ① plasticity is good, construction is convenient; ② bonding strength is high, corrosion resistance is strong; ③ fireproof sex is tall, can amount to (℃ of 1650 ± 50) ; ④ is able to bear or endure broken bits aggressivity is good; ⑤ heat flakes the gender is good. Fireproof mud basically is used at hot-blast stove of kiln of Jiao Lu, glass, blast furnace to wait for industrial kiln furnace.
Firebrick build by laying bricks or stones is built before be being built with build by laying bricks or stones of fireproof mud modulation, answer all sorts of fireproof slop to undertake experiment and build by laying bricks or stones are built, the consistency of the setting time that decides different slop, setting time, dismay making a person and water consumption. To aeriform hard slop, the felt time of fireproof product should be controlled inside 1~5min limits. Modulation of every kinds of fireclay should use special mud case. If need modulation a few kinds of slop, all sorts of slop should hang out his shingle clearly. Change when agitate slop, should clean slimy box. With fireclay of clean water preparation, water quality achieves townsman to allow with water gauge. Have the slop of additive to mix into, additive is contained in water. Cl-1 content should under 300ppm. When temperature is too low, agitate water can heat, in order to assure the appropriate temperature of slop.
To enraging rigid fireclay, should assure what to mix fireclay has above of 30 kinds of Min but build by laying bricks or stones builds time. The water with good modulation enrages hard fireclay forcedly to must not add water to use at will, fireclay coagulates to must not continue to use first, the beard is determined and deserted. To mixing the slop that has water glass or bittern bond or additive, answer to be used at any time, because they can be in air gradually caky. The fireclay that day cannot stay to tomorrow to use commonly.
How many fireproof mud does brick of a ton of clay need? When build by laying bricks or stones builds saggar brick, if want oneself to prepare clay fireproof mud, can take clinker: Raw material: Raw material =70%:30% . Clinker is saggar of horniness of high temperature to calcine, also can use useless brick molar. Raw material is soft saggar. If want calculation all sorts of composition of fireproof mud, the weight generation that needs foregone and will fireproof mud only enters formula (1) and formula (2) can. The weight = of clinker: 70%(1) of × of fireproof mud weight gives birth to makings weight = : × of fireproof mud weight uses 30%(2)Tz-3(230 × when build by laying bricks or stones of 114 × 65mm) builds standard saggar brick, should remember the following number: 1) every saggar brick weighs 3.7kg. Brick of every tons of saggar makes an appointment with 2) 270. Build by laying bricks or stones of brick of every tons of clay builds 3) to want fireproof mud about 766. Kg. Body of build by laying bricks or stones needs 4) every stere about 594 bricks. Body of build by laying bricks or stones needs 5) every stere about 2.2 tons of bricks.
Kiln furnace build by laying bricks or stones is built should notice the following item (1) arch and vault beard are built to central semmetry build by laying bricks or stones from foot of two side arch at the same time. When build by laying bricks or stones is built, the size of brick of forbidden convert arch; Lock brick should lay a person from flank. If brick of terminal a lock cannot lay a person from flank, the 1~2 that can machine a side that lock up a mouth first piece brick, make dimension of the fluctuation that lock up a mouth equal, the lock brick that will suit with photograph of the dimension that lock up a mouth next from above lay a person, two side use armor plate plug; When demolishing arch tire, the beard that lock up a brick screws entirely, the build by laying bricks or stones digging trench that arch foot is in is built end, the nut that framework hooks screws rear can undertake. (2) build imprecise brick to seam to build by laying bricks or stones, should infiltrate a place of strategic importance of thin stencil steel is tightened, especially to can rotating kiln furnace, should every rotate 1/4 circle undertakes checking, adopt afore-mentioned remedying measure. (3) should keep away from the hole in framework of place getting power, body of heater and body of build by laying bricks or stones. Expand outerly inside body of build by laying bricks or stones seam should not join each other, fluctuation layer should stagger. (4) answer by the side of the length that is not coping of bottom of arc hearth, passageway perpendicular the direction of going from place to place at charging, metal, broken bits or gas or included angle. (5) circular boiler setting should be built by central line build by laying bricks or stones. When the requirement that accords with the appearance inside furnace when the error of diameter of central line sum of errors of furnace casing, furnace casing can serve as guide face build by laying bricks or stones is built. (6) circular boiler setting must not have three-layer or 3 annulus are seamed again, fluctuation is mixed two layers two annulus seam photograph adjacent to must not be in same ground to nod again. Firebrick builds a demand to the build by laying bricks or stones of the product inside the industry very strict, a bit error causes bricky dimension and appearance error possibly. Accordingly, want to notice slightly only, afore-mentioned firebrick build by laying bricks or stones are built wait for a problem to won't appear problem.