Fireproof material produces indeterminate form and use regulation

March 15, 2024Nov 25, 2024

This regular purpose is to make clear vitreous frit kiln to use compact figuration to the have a youthful look before refractory products is used is produced and use bilateral obligation and liability, in order to make sure vitreous frit kiln is efficient, abiding, move surely, avoid to produce legal issue.


This regulation 2, it is 3 times mandatory article, carry out strictly.
This regulation learns advisory committee of technology of committee of major of furnace of vitreous branch kiln and association of glass of Chinese daily expense to put forward by Chinese silicate.
This regulation learns committee of major of furnace of vitreous branch kiln to responsible managing and be opposite by Chinese silicate mandatory article explanation, small engineering limited company is in charge of noun of specific technology content explaining in China.
Regulation explains with the word
The distinction when 1. is carrying out a regular article to facilitate is treated, the specification using a word with strict to the requirement different level is as follows:
(1) expresses very strict, be not such doing cannot: Openly word Zuo is used, opposite word is used forbidden;
(2) expresses strict, all should do so below normal circumstance: Openly word is used should, opposite word is used do not answer or do not get;
(3) expresses to make have a choice a bit, should do so first when the condition permits: Openly word uses appropriate, opposite word is used unfavorable;
(4) expresses to have a choice, such OK below certain condition doing: Zuo is used but;
The demonstrate in 2. article should write a law to be by what other relevant specification or regulation carry out: Answer to accord with the regulation of ⋯⋯ or should be carried out by ⋯⋯ .
Cite standard or file
1. " the general provision that kiln of frit of daily expense glass designs "
Committee of major of furnace of kiln of branch of glass of society of silicate of committee of experts of association of glass of Chinese daily expense, China
2.GB50435 " plate glass factory designs a standard "
3.YB/T5108-1993 " vitreous kiln uses large clay qualitative firebrick "
4.YB/5106-1993 " argillaceous qualitative firebrick "
5.JC/T638-1996 " vitreous blaze kiln uses brick of low stomatic clay "
6.YH4016-91 " glass brushs kiln to sample and check and accept a method with refractory products "
7.GB/T10325 " refractory products samples check and accept regulation "
8.GB/T " finalize the design refractory products measure, exterior and section examination method "
9.GB/T16546 " refractory products is packed, mark, carry and store "
10.GB50211-2004 " industrial furnace Chang builds engineering construction to reach check and accept a standard "
11.GB50309-2007 " industrial furnace build by laying bricks or stones builds project quality to check and accept a standard "
12. " installation of vitreous pool kiln, build by laying bricks or stones is built reach acceptable quality level " in China small engineering limited company
13. " condition of admittance of industry of daily expense glass "
Industry of People's Republic of China and policy of industry of industry of informatization ministry announcement the 3rd
14. " condition of admittance of plate glass industry "
Development of nation of People's Republic of China and policy of industry of industry of reform committee announcement year
15. " chemistry of glass of domestic daily expense comprises limits to unite a standard basically "
Advisory committee of technology of association of glass of daily expense of committee of experts of association of glass of Chinese daily expense, China
16. " batch quality pilot sets commonly "
Committee of experts of association of glass of Chinese daily expense
Produce and use regulation
Kiln of 1 glass frit uses compact shape the make choice of of refractory products should accord with " the general provision that kiln of frit of daily expense glass designs " and " design of plate glass plant is normative " concerned regulation:
Stone brick chooses the 1.1 zirconium that are used at upside structure to introduce aggregate of high temperature agglomeration in burden (with etc static press figuration to pass high temperature firing and broken existence of grain, microstructure wears become thick pointed part the Gao He of bulky aggregation, main function is shown 1 times like subordinate list.
Its throat cover board and brick of corner of mouth of feed in raw material can choose the 1.2 vitreous frit kiln that are more than 200ppm glass to fused Fe2O3 content build by laying bricks or stones of agglomeration zirconium chromic brick is built, the quality of zirconium chromic brick should obtain subordinate list 2 medium index.
1.3 by pound dozen of makings and zirconium stone brick or again sealed layer should satisfy the following requirement by the pool that brick of agglomeration report dissolve forms:
(1) kiln of colorless glass frit kiln of agreement of its delivery contract age not under 5 years, or kiln of color glass frit its delivery contract agrees not under 7 years when, want one of conditions as what the technology ensures, pool bottom is sealed layer ply should not under 170mm.
(2) glass kiln is comprised with the chemistry that pounds dozen of makings and mine photograph is comprised should basic and as identical as shop front brick, fe2O3 content under 0.18% , in 1250 ℃ can with above shop front brick is united in wedlock airtight the whole that cannot depart.
(Brick of 3) zirconium stone and again the main function part of one's job of brick of agglomeration report frit does not satisfy subordinate list and subordinate list 3 medium requirements.
1.4 pools bottom is sealed laid clay big brick answers below the layer, the number of plies of argillaceous big brick and ply should color of mature glass makings, tank depth, metal kind eyewinker, intensity of structure of bottom heat preservation, heat preservation (pool bottom heat insolation is spent) the influence that reachs insulation material to use the ingredient such as temperature for a long time; The main function of argillaceous big brick is like subordinate list 4 in be shown.
1.5 dissolve kiln runs later period, chi Bi subsidizes appropriate Zuo to use contain Al2O3/Cr2O3 solid fuse-element, have excel in to fight erode reach fight erode function, heat expands show performance of linear, heatproof shake good, in subsidizing appear not easily the chromic corundum brick of crackle, quality of chromic corundum brick should obtain subordinate list 5 medium index.
1.6 fall in oxidation atmosphere, the brick should choose the Molaishi of removed wall in be being used at regenerator vault and upside have the wonderful denaturation that fight squirm can, leftover below bear of long-term high temperature systole is approximately of 0 again agglomeration report frit Mo Laishi brick, its are main function is shown 6 times like subordinate list.
Temperature of flue gas of bottom of front row of regenerator of 1.7 much passageways, the 2nd passageway > when 1000 ℃ , the checker brick arch that prop up should choose brick of corundum of electric frit zirconium or build by laying bricks or stones of brick of stone of line of silicon of Mo Laishi brick to build, the main function of brick of stone of line of silicon of Mo Laishi brick should satisfy subordinate list 7 medium index.
1.8 be used at coping of gas regenerator checker brick and upside again brick of AZS of agglomeration report frit and 3 low (small air hole, low iron, low creep) main function of the brick should satisfy subordinate list 3 with subordinate list 8 medium index.
The exceeds brick of clay of brick of low porosity clay and low porosity main function that body of wall of the 1.9 bottom in be being used at regenerator, checker brick and only channel checker support Xuan should satisfy subordinate list 9 medium index.
Qualitative firebrick of 1.1 common clay can be used at the place such as heat preservation of body of regenerator bottom wall, flue, Chi Bi, its are main index sees subordinate list 10.
2 glass kiln uses compact shape when refractory products leaves factory, the sampling that place of manufacturer basis GB/T10325, GB/T10326 sets and check and accept regulation to have routine inspection test. Examine the project should include: Quality of deviation of temperature of bate of density of chemical composition, bulk, porosity, loading, dimension, exterior and section are checked. Examine to should achieve relevant provision or the requirement that delivery contract agrees as a result.
After the product examines, answer to undertake packing by classification of size of product measure deviation.
When 3 products leave factory or carry arrives after use unit, use unit undertakes deciding examining to the product, supervise by fireproof material quality detect unit issue quality inspection report, its examine the report is regarded as basis delivery contract to decide the legal basis of quality of product of this batches of consign.
Kiln of frit of each batches of 3.1 glass uses compact shape when refractory products leaves factory or carry arrives after use unit, use unit the sample in the example from exterior quality qualification, 1~10 of basis subordinate list or the manage that delivery contract agrees change function project to undertake deciding examining to the product, the index that test only cost all must accord with subordinate list 1~10 or project agreement examines accordingly in delivery contract is worth.
3.2 if front row second sampling inspection does not accord with a requirement, both sides of supply and demand should approve the test sample that random and draw-out double multiple measures in goods in this together, undertake unqualified project is reinspected, reinspect charge to be in charge of by manufacturing unit. If the average that reinspects a result accords with a requirement, the deviation that checks only cost to all set in the product among them (in the deviation that detailed sees subordinate list 11) or both sides of supply and demand negotiates, sentence approve for qualification, sentence otherwise for unqualified batch.
3.3 to because keep,avoid undeserved the miscarriage of justice that waits for an element to cause product quality, decide examine to arrive in product use after use unit inside a month or undertake inside the deadline that delivery contract agrees.
4 when signing delivery contract, the manufacturer is accountability the consign product that orders to place uses note and application to unreasonable place puts forward to grant to accuse or improve a proposal on vitreous frit kiln, its grant to accuse and undertake priming with the means such as summary. In delivery contract, can arbitrate by predefine of both sides of supply and demand unit.
When product of 5 manufacturers consign or after product use joins use unit, of its product pack, mark, carry, pile up, the custodial, quality certificate that some adds to include routine inspection test to report when store and delivering goods should be accorded with
GB/T10325, GB/T16546, YB/T5108, YB/T5106 reachs the regulation of JC/T638.
After 6 products use amounts to use unit, use unit or should agree to be opposite inside deadline in the contract together with the manufacturer product measure and exterior quality undertake be born check and accept, be short of to the amount break, exterior off quality and the product of the attaint in carrying and metamorphism of drench leach be affected with damp be affected with damp, the manufacturer should give free exchanges, the manufacturer after checking and accept assumes the responsibility of quality of product measure, exterior and product drench leach no longer.
The build by laying bricks or stones of refractory products builds 7 compact figuration, check and accept the regulation in should pressing standard of the following standard to carry out:
GB50211-2004 " industrial furnace Chang builds engineering construction to reach check and accept a standard "
GB50309-2007 " industrial furnace build by laying bricks or stones builds project quality to check and accept a standard "
In China small engineering limited company (" installation of vitreous pool kiln, build by laying bricks or stones is built reach acceptable quality level "
Observation should be strengthened during kiln of 8 glass frit moves, look carefully at compact figuration the metabolic circumstance of refractory products, if discover appearance appears unusual, should organize professional in time or ask industry expert guidance to prepare beforehand case or take lash-up step in time; During this, the manufacturer has the obligation that assistance settles.
9 to achieve " condition of admittance of industry of daily expense glass " and " condition of admittance of plate glass industry " in the provision that to vitreous frit kiln and vitreous frit make quality, answer to satisfy the following requirement at the same time:
Design of 9.1 frit kiln should be accorded with " design of kiln of frit of daily expense glass sets commonly " and " plate glass factory designs a standard " medium pair of vitreous frit kiln and the regulation that fused system design asks.
9.2 fuel choose should accord with " condition of admittance of industry of daily expense glass " and " condition of admittance of plate glass industry " medium regulation: Build, change extend enterprise appropriate to use fuel of high quality high calorific value and clean fuel, limitation uses the inferior fuel of content of tall sulfur, Gao Fan, high ash content.
Composition of 9.3 glass chemistry should be accorded with " chemistry of glass of domestic daily expense comprises limits to unite a standard basically " and " plate glass factory designs a standard " in the regulation that chemical to glass composition asks.
9.4 batch quality should accord with " batch quality pilot sets commonly " and " design of plate glass plant is normative " in the regulation that asks to batch quality:
(Granuality of 1) raw material (Mm): ? Shaddock tries  to wash?.6=0% of bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase, be less than 0.1≤5% ; Soda ash is used pledge again alkaline; Limestone is more than 3.36=0% , be more than 2.0≤5% , 2.0~0.149 > 90%
(2) batch moisture content and temperature: Should maintain batch the moisture content of 40.5% and the temperature that blender exports 38~42 ℃ . Zhengzhou flourish fills what fireproof material serves as major to be able to bear or endure the product of fireproof heat preservation that material produces manufacturer to be able to produce more than 40 kinds of different types, product type basically is from sort and recipe scale undertakes distinguishing, line of the products is various, basically can satisfy show level boiler, what steel-making chamfer place needs is high temperature resistant requirement, product quality is worth your reliance.

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